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  1. L

    TA 30 compared to a Maverick or BA

    I would like to know opinions on the TA30 for those who have also have/had the Mav or Blue Angel. From the specs and reviews it looks realy like a Vox AC 1530. I have played the Mav extensively and the BA some and I know they get nice cleans specially the Mav. Videos on the TA30 seems to be...
  2. L

    Heartbreaker Reverb tank connection question

    I have a Studio .22 where I can remove the white wire but not on the heartbreaker. It's like they crimped the connector
  3. L

    Heartbreaker Reverb tank connection question

    I need to remove the chassis for some pot cleaning and overall gut inspection but it looks like the white cable of the reverb tank is not your usual RCA. IT seems it is hardwired both to the tank and also in the chassis. The gray wire is just a regular RCA which one can disconnect. I understand...
  4. L

    Heartbreaker Question: Can I just use an EL34 pair

    bump. Anyone? Thanks!
  5. L

    Heartbreaker Question: Can I just use an EL34 pair

    I just got another HB (sold my other one and regretted that ). While waiting for my 6v6 and EL34 tubes to arrive, can I just use a pair of EL34 (Svetlanas and they are mid range and not so loud in my other amp)? I read some threads of mixing and matching but nothing about a single pair. I...