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  1. J

    Express 5:50 tube alternatives

    With humble apologies to guitarzan. It was in your article about Mesa and tubes that I read that bit about not voiding their warranty with Groove Tubes. Which leads to another question. Would going from a Mesa Gray (GT 5) to Mesa Yellow (GT 4) be a good idea? (A round about way of asking, do I...
  2. J

    Express 5:50 tube alternatives

    I'm playing a Les Paul Std through an Express 5:50 1x12. Happily getting in the neighborhood of a PeterGreen-DannyKirwan-TrowerProcolHarum-Allman kind of 1969-70 sound. When I get the guitar and amp set to a sweet spot for playing below the 12th fret, I get a really unpleasant chirp when...