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The Boogie Board

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  1. Vincet68

    Argh - Rectoverb 25 buzzing

    Thanks, man - it was user error! Last gig, I ran an extension speaker, so the internal (8ohm) speaker was getting signal from one of the 4ohm outs, and the other 4ohm out wasn't connected to anything. I'm not sure of specifics, but something overheated and crapped out - when I got the internal...
  2. Vincet68

    Argh - Rectoverb 25 buzzing

    Was playing for about 10 minutes today on my Rectoverb 25 when, on a not particularly percussive bass note (Strat tuned standard), the amp started to crackle loudly (like arcing) then developed a steady buzz, which went away on standby but was still there when turning back on. Powered amp down...