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  1. M

    SOB to Mark I conversion?

    hahaha No way, the .22+ is great! Probably do need some "alone time" with it to get to know it better without holding up band practice. Definitely will be used though. Nothing to do with this, I just saw an SOB cheap and wondered if it's possible to "make it into" the original Mark amp. Which...
  2. M

    SOB to Mark I conversion?

    Is there a mod, or does someone at Mesa maybe do a conversion of the SOB to a Mark I specs?
  3. M

    So what exactly is a "pro-quality" effects loop effect?

    What's a good line level pedal for echo and reverb, anybody? I have an old Boss RV3 ( but I'm not sure about the impedance or whatever that dBu measurement is, and I assume there must be something better out now anyhow. I have a TC Nova System that works...
  4. M

    Picked up a great Mesa Studio 22plus/what speaker?

    I'll be interested to hear what you think about that Reignmaker! I like the idea of the adjustable volume/tone control built in. Weight wise it seems like you could just go for a Heritage G12-65 if that's the sound you want since they are just a few ounces different. And according to the...
  5. M

    Mark I Output Impedance @ 60/100 and tweed/normal

    Maybe have someone make you something like this? It also couldn't hurt to email Mesa support and ask them to type out a little table with the info you want about what impedance the jacks are operating at in the various...
  6. M

    Mark IIA into a Mark IV head shell?

    So the current screws from the combo cab won't work to hold the chassis in the headshell?
  7. M

    Mark IIA into a Mark IV head shell?

    Would a Mark IIA chassis from a combo fit into a Mark IV head shell without altering anything? If not what would need to change, if it's possible at all?
  8. M

    Mark III/Mark V/Mark V:25

    I think Mesa/Boogie dropped GC as one of their retailers back in 2013 or so - pretty sure you'll have to look elsewhere for anything but used Mesas.
  9. M

    Studio .22 love story - speakers and mods I've tried

    On the topic of speakers, have any of you tried using a 16 ohm greenback (or other celestion) from the 8 ohm jack? I've done that kind of mismatch with a 4 ohm fender head into an 8 0hm load and liked the results and since someone in my area has some old 16 ohm Celestions for sale I'm wondering...
  10. M

    Studio .22 love story - speakers and mods I've tried

    Anyone had or heard both generations and know if the lead channel is voiced differently in the original .22 versus the .22 plus version? Or are they pretty much the same amp?
  11. M

    WTB - Studio .22+ with GEQ --- Got one!

    One's on the way! I think the subject pretty much says it all :mrgreen: But just in case, I'm only interested in the "plus" ones with a graphic EQ.
  12. M

    Studio .22 love story - speakers and mods I've tried

    I don't have a .22 (yet!) but I've been using a Celestion Century Neo since they came out, with a couple of Fuchs mods and a Ceriatone (dumble style amps) and really like it. I recently got a Mark IIA combo and pulled the EV (the weight of which makes the combo basically unusable for me) and...
  13. M

    Studio 22+ weight?

    Yeah, I guess the question is if you can find the sweet spot without the graphic EQ, which evidently a lot of people can't on the Mark IIs, if they use both channels. I read the .22+ manual and it says not to worry, they designed the OD without the graphic but I would have thought that would...
  14. M

    Studio 22+ weight?

    I wonder how one of those Jensen Neos would sound in a .22? 8) Not sure how much the stock Emi weighs but it's probably 5 more than the neos.
  15. M

    Studio 22+ weight?

    Do they have a 1x12 or a 1x10? I assumed they were 1x12 but I just checked and the current version of these things (I think) the Express 5:25, is listed at 45 lbs. How would it have gained 10 lbs, a heavier speaker? Pine vs baltic birch plywood? Also, while I hopefully have the eyeballs of...
  16. M

    Studio 22+ weight?

    Wow, that really is light! Thanks
  17. M

    Studio 22+ weight?

    I've seen the studio .22s referred to as light weight, grab n go, etc., and I'm wondering what they actually weigh. Is there a spec sheet on the web someplace? Or maybe someone has weighed theirs and could post the weight?
  18. M


    How about a "red stripe" S/N 1815x. That seems like purple stripe territory based on what's listed above and I guess it might be easy to confuse red and purple? The only picture I've seen is dark so it's hard to tell. This one doesn't have the SC over the power cord, just the stripe, and what...
  19. M

    Adding a fan

    No it's 60/100 actually.