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  1. K

    First Boogie - Thinking of getting a Mark III

    That's generally true for off-the-shelf stock, but IIRC (bear in mind we're talking 1988), I had the option of custom ordering any option...including a 60w or 100/60w. My dealer went thru the options like an a la carte dinner menu. (This shop had no stock, so everything was custom ordered from...
  2. K

    Vintage 2x12 Halfback

    I agree with gts. In clean condition with the stock config of C90/EV, I see them go for $500 range...when they come up. The big problem is finding them, then shipping them! If you have one locally, grab it.
  3. K

    PRS + Mesa... why do they work so well together?

    FYI, PRSh has been known to play several amps personally, but one of his most modded amps is a Soldano. It's revoiced into a Plexi meets JCM800 with some serious guts. I've played that amp and its impressive for its age and considering Paul wasn't really an electrical engineer. He has since had...
  4. K

    Sick of the trebly ice-pickyness on my Mark V. Suggestions?

    My experience is with the MkIII, not V, but the ice pickiness is a Mark series family trait. And I spent decades working that out of my tone. Here's how... Going with my green stripe MkIII and 2x12 halfback cabs, I swapped speakers numerous times, with mixed results, swapped preamp tubes, and...
  5. K

    First Boogie - Thinking of getting a Mark III

    The only sure way of knowing if you have a blue or green stripe model (depends on which Sharpie they were using that day, heat, can look like green and green can look like blue) is to open the chassis. Green stripe power tubes are wired in pentode and blue is in triode. Google the...
  6. K

    Seriously Gigging Discontinued Amps Made Before 2000

    It's a matter of risk management...predictable reliability. You play more than 2x than I and I decided to bench my MkIII after heat issues started creeping up at outdoor gigs. Yes, I replaced the filter caps and it still runs beautifully, but if I were in a touring band, I'd demand production...
  7. K

    Modern cab for old Mark

    I've found similar results to Morgan. The halfback 2x12s are a definitive ingredient to the Boogie sound in certain musical genre, but as I played in different projects, it became a challenge to maintain flexibility. Swapping speakers became an obsession. The cabs, IMO, set the base for tone...
  8. K

    Placing Delay Pedal in Effects Loop Kills Your Tone?

    Ding ding ding! We have a winner! :D Yep, some pedals just suck (literally and figuratively) with some amps. It isn't the fault of the pedal or the amp, they just weren't made for each other. Drop an MXR Carbon Copy in MkIII loves it.
  9. K

    Help Finding a Non Metal Mesa

    Other than the occasional Dream Theater or Satriani. noodling, I'm not a metal player. Yet I've gigged my MkIII for almost 25 years. Leveraging the flexible EQ, choice OD pedals, and preamp tube cocktails, I've been really happy with the MkIII being everything but a metal amp..50s/60s, classic...
  10. K

    Looking at a Mark III purple strip, I already have a IIc+.

    You won't get old Fender 3 spring reverb out of the Boogie. It's not what they were shooting for. But you will get a nice ambient depth that you grow to love about it. It's unique. To get blackface reverb, drop a Strymon Flint in the loop. The reverb mod will give a little more saturation...
  11. K

    Are you using a pedal buffer? Which one?

    You can use your EP Booster as a buffer since it converts the signal to low impedance. I've used it in first position with great results, except or high gain amp ch3 HATES being pushed by pedals. Currently, my favorite buffer is inherent in the Klon KTR, even if it's not engaged...
  12. K

    Vertical Halfback 2x12

    What a great find...and even better price! :shock: It looks a lot like my '89 with the same handles and mono input jack. I have 2 C-90s in one of mine and have for several years. Sounds great. It really changes character if you close the top of the cab, too. Highly recommended mod. Enjoy!
  13. K

    EVM 12L vs MC-90

    Boogie sold their old 2x12 and 4x12 half-back cabs with a combination of C-90s I. The top with EV12Ls in the bottom, back in the late '80s/ early '90s. The pairing sounds really good for certain music styles, but even with the C-90, it could get brittle. Exercising the GEQ fixed some of that but...
  14. K

    Anybody Roll Without OD Pedals?

    Sorry. :oops: Fixed it. ;)
  15. K

    Power Tubes For Mark III Simul-class. EL34 & 6CA7.

    In this situation, power tubes have to be matched pairs. They work together and a mismatch would probably yield very undesired results. Your power transformer may get very upset. Keep the inner pair and outer pair as matched sets.
  16. K


    Regardless of amp, the right switch of preamp tubes - in the right position - can make a huge difference. NOS Mullard and NOS RFT 12ax7s, IMO, have the darkest tone I've found. Compared to Tung Sol, Mesa SPAX7 (regardless of what mfg), RCA and other popular brands out there today, there is a...
  17. K

    Anybody Roll Without OD Pedals?

    Big +1 And here lies a new realm of creativity. Why squelch it? Why belittle it? I guess if you don't understand it or perhaps it threatens your Boogie philosophy. But once you spend a metric ***-load of time with your amp, you realize there's more to it than what's at face value. A whole new...
  18. K

    Mark V pickups?

    I'm of the opinion that it's in the Mark V if you spend the time to find it. New pups can change a nuance but not a drastic shift. And, in my experience, my band mix is lacking in top end compared to my setup, solo, in the music cave before a gig. You're competing for those upper mid...
  19. K

    Speaker choice for vertical 2x12 build?

    No, none. The original halfback cabs with that pairing works perfectly fine and despite trying, I never blew them. The C90s sound really good in that cab style.
  20. K

    2:90 sudden rise in level/volume

    Swap your power tubes and see if it persists. That can also be a wonky tube.