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  • Bonjour
    je ne souhaite plus faire parti du forum boogie
    j'ai essayé d'entrer mais le mot de passe n'est pas reconnu ??

    mon pseudo est : domglop78

    merci de me supprimer de ce forum.

    I am trying to reach admin in order to cancel my monthly membership fees. I can't afford to continue being a supporting member at this time. This is my second attempt to reach out. Please let me know how to cancel my paid membership ASAP.

    Thank you,
    Hi there, I am unable to maintain my monthly supporting membership for now. How can I cancel the paid membership?

    Thank you
    i just donate to be a member today..... 2023 07 sept. quad48uF start a conversation with me but a can't see his message ... is it possible to connect with him ?
    Perhaps i have a probleme because before today a have "domglop78" pseudo and then a realize my donation today i have always the same pseudo but i can't read all messages before donation !!!
    thx for your answer and help
    I tired to respond to your message, I upgraded my account for the year, I hope that helps.....It wouldn't let me reply, kept saying I was sending you spam like content, which I wasn't

    I have upgraded your membership. I am not sure why it was trying to show as spam.
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