NAD: Mesa Boogie Mark VII head. WOW

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All thanks to a secondary Covid infection and loss of hearing. I will be out for a while and will not do much for a while. Bummer.

When it comes to the Marks, they eventually start to sound the same. Despite the hearing loss, I did like what I was hearing. Just one thing that bothered me was the low frequency hum I could not get away from. Not at all quiet with the noise floor. However, once you started to play that hum was no more of a concern and would not seem to be much of an issue until you went back to silence (no playing). Amp makes hum without anything plugged into the front end. Have not tried a different location to check noise. The amp is already in the quietest room of the entire house. Also, on a Furman power conditioner. Not a regulator though.

I did remove the front face plate and swapped out the preamp tubes with different types. Some old 1990 Mesa Chinese tubes which usually run very quiet. Then a Full set of JJ E83CC (frame grid). Did not make any difference. The hum was always there and did not seem to be tube dependent. Have not tried any different power tubes yet. Will do that next once my hearing comes back (assuming it will like it did the last time). Compared to the JP2C or the Mark VII, those amps are silent sisters to the reissue IIC+ They barely make much noise unless you push the gain much higher than needed. Still the noise floor is far less than that of the reissue IIC+. I can deal with it. It is not like the EVH 5150 IIIs EL34 100W head, that amp is all noise floor. I do have a Fortin Zuul I could use if needed. The hum us not all that bad though, just present enough to be annoying at startup.

I could not tell if I liked the EVM12L with the Reissue or not. My hearing loss sort of hit me rather sudden so I had to give up on it.
All thanks to a secondary Covid infection and loss of hearing. I will be out for a while and will not do much for a while. Bummer.

When it comes to the Marks, they eventually start to sound the same. Despite the hearing loss, I did like what I was hearing. Just one thing that bothered me was the low frequency hum I could not get away from. Not at all quiet with the noise floor. However, once you started to play that hum was no more of a concern and would not seem to be much of an issue until you went back to silence (no playing). Amp makes hum without anything plugged into the front end. Have not tried a different location to check noise. The amp is already in the quietest room of the entire house. Also, on a Furman power conditioner. Not a regulator though.

I did remove the front face plate and swapped out the preamp tubes with different types. Some old 1990 Mesa Chinese tubes which usually run very quiet. Then a Full set of JJ E83CC (frame grid). Did not make any difference. The hum was always there and did not seem to be tube dependent. Have not tried any different power tubes yet. Will do that next once my hearing comes back (assuming it will like it did the last time). Compared to the JP2C or the Mark VII, those amps are silent sisters to the reissue IIC+ They barely make much noise unless you push the gain much higher than needed. Still the noise floor is far less than that of the reissue IIC+. I can deal with it. It is not like the EVH 5150 IIIs EL34 100W head, that amp is all noise floor. I do have a Fortin Zuul I could use if needed. The hum us not all that bad though, just present enough to be annoying at startup.

I could not tell if I liked the EVM12L with the Reissue or not. My hearing loss sort of hit me rather sudden so I had to give up on it.
Hey @bandit2013 kindly confirm that the loss in hearing is temporary!

I scanned this AWESOME thread a bit, so I apologize on any missed bits.

@bandit2013 HUM - totally experienced that on many amps, it happens. One of the things that I did in the Dual Rec Reissue was keep a gate on in the loop on a lot of the high gain stuff, not to supress noise, but just to make it so you could mute the strings and eliminate pickup hum. If the low hum is annoying enough, you might want to try a gate. I was using the VP4 which with the Mark VIIs MIDI could be used when and where you want it, including a 'resting mode' where the gate of course eliminates the passing of signal the power amp.

WOOL My Mark IIC+ is a DRG the reissue of course is a SimulClass. They're both great. The IIC+ reissue was on loan and I miss it. The JP~2C is of course inspired by the DRG, BUT John ALSO digs the SimulClass amps, so it's not a one and done thing, which you of course already know:)

Again, I hope the hearing loss is temporary, so sorry either way!
Thanks Doug.

Hearing loss was not due to the amps. More or less a secondary infection of Covid that was lingering. This time it got me in the ears. Bummer. Not the first time this happened to me.

It is hard to say if it is temporary or permanent. First time I had this issue they wanted to shove glass tubes in my eardrum. 2 months later I regained all of my hearing without any surgery. I would not doubt things will eventually return to normal. If not, I can get the surgery to correct the issue with glass tubes in the ear drum. I would rather wait it out and see if things go back to normal.
All thanks to a secondary Covid infection and loss of hearing. I will be out for a while and will not do much for a while. Bummer.

When it comes to the Marks, they eventually start to sound the same. Despite the hearing loss, I did like what I was hearing. Just one thing that bothered me was the low frequency hum I could not get away from. Not at all quiet with the noise floor. However, once you started to play that hum was no more of a concern and would not seem to be much of an issue until you went back to silence (no playing). Amp makes hum without anything plugged into the front end. Have not tried a different location to check noise. The amp is already in the quietest room of the entire house. Also, on a Furman power conditioner. Not a regulator though.

I did remove the front face plate and swapped out the preamp tubes with different types. Some old 1990 Mesa Chinese tubes which usually run very quiet. Then a Full set of JJ E83CC (frame grid). Did not make any difference. The hum was always there and did not seem to be tube dependent. Have not tried any different power tubes yet. Will do that next once my hearing comes back (assuming it will like it did the last time). Compared to the JP2C or the Mark VII, those amps are silent sisters to the reissue IIC+ They barely make much noise unless you push the gain much higher than needed. Still the noise floor is far less than that of the reissue IIC+. I can deal with it. It is not like the EVH 5150 IIIs EL34 100W head, that amp is all noise floor. I do have a Fortin Zuul I could use if needed. The hum us not all that bad though, just present enough to be annoying at startup.

I could not tell if I liked the EVM12L with the Reissue or not. My hearing loss sort of hit me rather sudden so I had to give up on it.

I noticed a slight hum too - mostly on the clean channel nothing plugged in still hums- thinking of contacting mesa. I did try the tube thing no change - I did notice in IIC mode no hum- weird totally silent on certain modes
My MKVII head has a noticeable hum on every mode except IIC and IV modes- rolled preamp tubes no changes - the hum stays constant even when raising the volume- again not on all modes - a little worried just sent a clip to Mesa as per their request- brand new amp - love it - tried to attach video here - to large - I’ll keep you posted
Thanks Doug.

Hearing loss was not due to the amps. More or less a secondary infection of Covid that was lingering. This time it got me in the ears. Bummer. Not the first time this happened to me.

It is hard to say if it is temporary or permanent. First time I had this issue they wanted to shove glass tubes in my eardrum. 2 months later I regained all of my hearing without any surgery. I would not doubt things will eventually return to normal. If not, I can get the surgery to correct the issue with glass tubes in the ear drum. I would rather wait it out and see if things go back to normal.
Well here's to a speedy and thorough recovery, where the glass tubes are the ones in the amps you're hearing 100%!!!
My MKVII head has a noticeable hum on every mode except IIC and IV modes- rolled preamp tubes no changes - the hum stays constant even when raising the volume- again not on all modes - a little worried just sent a clip to Mesa as per their request- brand new amp - love it - tried to attach video here - to large - I’ll keep you posted
I'm not gonna have time to test mine today per the modes - do keep us posted:)
Noise with the Mark VII is nothing like that as found with the Reissue IIC+. Not that I can hear it now. Everything is quiet. :cry:

The Reissue IIC+ has more of a low frequency hum as if there is a ground loop issue with the amp. It could be the Mesa Switch track, think not, I heard that without the switch track in use. May be the space heater I have in the room. It does go away once you start playing. Both Mark VII are quiet compared to the reissue. Same for the JP2C. Will have to check if it is the guitar cable and remove it and see if is present without FX loop or front end connected to any cables. Perhaps I should work on writing up an NAD on another post as the reissue is not a Mark VII. If I was any good at playing, I would make a video, best to leave it up to the experts.
Oh yeah, I can dial in the boogie whistle with this one. Set the volume 1, treble, and lead drive to 9. Lead mode must be turned on. Adjust the lead master up and it will begin to self-oscillate without anything in the input. Also noticed, that when you get close to triggering the parasitic oscillation, tapping along to the top of the amp is almost enough to trigger it to occur. That low frequency hum I get with the amp, that is just enough noise floor to contribute to the parasitic oscillation (assumed as it is unclear where this low frequency hum is derived from, preamp or power section). That is simple to find out with the FX loop tricks. If it is the preamp section then a noise gait will aid in that issue. If it is introduced after the fx loop, that will be a different problem. Sure, I can get some of that noise reduced with the GEQ but that removes to good parts of the guitar signal too.
@bandit2013 I can't remember if the OG open back cabs had birch baffles or not. I noticed when I put my EVM 12L in the new open back cab the baffle was engineered wood and not birch. Care to elaborate? (A bit disappointed to say the least) but made the mod easier.
Not sure. I have not encountered any engineered woods or FDM in the cabinets. At least with the combo amps that I modified for front mounting were plywood of sorts. Baltic birch assumed. 1/2inch thick. As for the wide body 112 cab, it has some black coating sprayed on it but appeared to be plywood based on how some of it splintered when I removed the smaller metric screws and replace with #10-24 bolts.

I would inquire with Mesa on that topic. I was lead to believe they use Baltic Birch plywood construction for the cabs. Not so sure about the cabs for the California tweed. those are very light weight and may be pine. I do not see them listed anymore.

The only thing that it could be is filler material if they messed up with the hole or if there were voids in the plywood. Does not sound good FDM or engineered wood paste products, flake board and the like do not resonate well. May as well use concrete. As for the OG, even the hardwood cabinets still had the plywood baffle at least that is how it looked in pictures. Why paint hardwood black ?
My mistake... the baffle is ply but the grille frame is not. Too many projects going at the same time confusing my feeble brain. :ROFLMAO::LOL:
Frame looked like poplar wood to me. That was after I routed out the relief for the EV speaker basket frame for the front mounted speaker in the Mark V90 combo. It could be some foam or fake wood material. Was easy to route by hand but dusty as hell. After looking at the widebody open back cab frame, I decided not to front mount the speaker. There was less material there than with the Mark V90 combo grill. So it was easier to rear baffle mount the EV than it was for front mounting which I would have preferred to do.
Getting some partial return of my hearing. Was curious if I could resolve the low frequency hum I was getting with the Reissue IIC+.
I did swap out the longer STR445 (yellow) tubes with the original STR445 (green) tubes that came in my first Mark V. I did not notice the same characteristic at gig level, and they actually sounded good (still without full range of hearing though). A day later, I decided to shove in a full quad of the STR448 (grey) to see what would happen. Still with the hearing handicap, I did not notice the hum as much. Could not tell of the tone changed to a boxy sound like they did when used in the Mark VII. Some have been using NOS STR4145 in their reissue, I assumed if they sounded good, so would the STR448. Just did not feel like removing the STR415 out of the JP2C at this time. Yeah, the noise floor is typical. Just a slight buzz or hum and I can live with it as it is not all that disturbing now. Changed my meds to a steroid nasal spray (OTC) to see if that would help with the hearing loss and sinus pressure. I want to play the guitar and enjoy it but for now, need to work on getting better.

I have no regrets on my purchase of the Reissue IIC+. It just fits the bill. It does fall in line with the JP2C so I now have an amp I can pair up with if I want to run in stereo IIC+ mode. Sure, the Mark VII was a good match for the JP2C sonically speaking but the send levels between the two were different. IIC+ and JP2C are a very close match and I do not get the one influencing the stereo FX pedal more than the other. When my hearing get back to normal, I will have to go nuts with my stereo rig setup. Replace the 2BADS with the reissue and JP in the 4 amp stereo setup (two Mark VII). The only issue I will encounter is the crunch on the VII will be out of phase with the other two amps. Probably why I favor the BAD as its crunch is in phase with the VII crunch. Not a big deal, I mostly run VII and IV modes with the Mark 7.

I am undecided which I favor more. Badlander, Mark VII, Reissue IIC+ or the JP2C. They all seem to fall into that same sonic realm. Perhaps a difference in compression but they all seem to work well together.
I have no regrets on my purchase of the Reissue IIC+. It just fits the bill. It does fall in line with the JP2C so I now have an amp I can pair up with if I want to run in stereo IIC+ mode. Sure, the Mark VII was a good match for the JP2C sonically speaking but the send levels between the two were different. IIC+ and JP2C are a very close match and I do not get the one influencing the stereo FX pedal more than the other.
There you go that's a good pairing JP2C and the RI. Running stereo, gotta like that.

Good to hear (no pun) there is improvement :)

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