Coming in May. Limited to 200

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That absolutely seems like the Gibson business model. However, there is a big difference between “difficult” and “cannot”.If he says "yeah they can be modded easily" he's made the new release pointless. Mike works for Mesa, part of his job is to protect Mesa's business interests, which is selling the amps and is not in demystifying them.
Once again it's the sizzle they're selling, not the steak.
I'd wager it could be modded very easily, but they're not going to tell you how. Why should they.
If you don’t mind me asking what is the cost of this limited release amp?Got one on reserve .I was #7 from this particular store. Wasn't interested in the new iic+ as I have an og in exc cond.Plans are to work both into a live rig with a switcher into 2-4×12 cabs.If the iic++ doesn't impress or do it for me,it'll go up fs.Will give it a fair shot first tho.
That's the way Mesa did it long ago in the 80's.Would it be so difficult to manufacture these things on an order by order basis?
I know, I remember back then. I feel like that’s a better policy then the have a predetermined end date for a desirable model. I’m sure it boosts initial sales, but I feel like a special placard, or sone other little thing-a-ma-jig would ensure high initial sales, while also providing a solution to guitar players long-term.That's the way Mesa did it long ago in the 80's.
Totally agree and I don't really have a problem with it either. The difference in costs sounds like it'd be about equivalent to shipping it and getting the work done by Mike anyway. Which I paid happily.If he says "yeah they can be modded easily" he's made the new release pointless. Mike works for Mesa, part of his job is to protect Mesa's business interests, which is selling the amps and is not in demystifying them.
Once again it's the sizzle they're selling, not the steak.
I'd wager it could be modded very easily, but they're not going to tell you how. Why should they.