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Well-known member
Boogie Supporter
Feb 2, 2014
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Hi guys, I've heard a lot about Mike B. on this board and it sounds like he is still active. I get the feeling he's an older guy (like a lot of us around these parts) since he was involved in the early Mesa days 70's 80's and beyond.

Does Mike B. also work on the newer Marks like the V and VII? Does anyone here know if Mike is training anyone or some younger folks who can carry the torch? How many years does he likely have left at Mesa?

During travels this past year I met an older gentleman running a large, complicated and intricate weaving loom. After explaining how it worked he said that his kids weren't interested in learning. When he passes on that'll be it, the loom will sit idle because no one knows how to run it. Hope this doesn't happen at Mesa with these somewhat complicated amp series (multichannel Marks, Rectos etc.). Succession planning is important and Randall is retired, and he was the heart and soul of the company. What person or persons will carry the torch?

Do any of you guys use Klipsch loudspeakers for home audio? I have several pairs. It is a company founded in the 1940's by a brilliant guy with a vision. He passed on, kids took over, then sold to larger company which has itself been sold several times over. Now the company is owned by Masimo (the medical devices company who sued Apple and won for patent infringement for the watch oxygen sensor). I've followed Klipsch the past 30+ years and wonder what Mesa's story will be. Silver lining is that Klipsch and their Heritage line of speakers are still around to buy new all these years later.
there's absolutely nothing in it for Gibson to keep providing tech services on older stuff now that Mesa's a mancave furniture brand
Does Mike B. also work on the newer Marks like the V and VII? Does anyone here know if Mike is training anyone or some younger folks who can carry the torch? How many years does he likely have left at Mesa?
So from what I understand, and there are others who certainly have had more recent interactions with MikeB, is that he only works part time and only II's, IIIs are his focus. All other Mesa models are dedicated to other Mesa service folks. Modifications are handled directly by MikeB and functional issues or maintenance are still handled by MikeB but thru Mesa service. Now this was all before the Gibson transition. Currently my IIC+ is up at Mesa cause the Treble Shift was non functional (long service lead time). Didn't want to mess with incompatible aftermarket Vactrols so I left it to the expert. Expect an update on the 2025 service process. :)

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