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  1. S

    Road King 2x12 Cab

    Part of my reply in this post... ...You should be using the single available 8-16 ohm 'A' output from the amp, and connect this to the single 'A' input of the speaker cabinet. You should then connect the single available 8-16 ohm 'B' output...
  2. S

    New non-Mesa cab day!

    If anyone ever has the opportunity...I can't recommend this Marshall head/cab combo more. It really is something to behold, in a different favor of excellence from my RK. Won't be parting with either of them, that's for sure. Just totally tone-nailed a Journey triple shot of Any Way You Want...
  3. S

    New non-Mesa cab day!

    Well, got a 1960ahw to go with the YJM-100. Holy $&#@, that's alot better than running in through the V30! Next up will be a straight cab RK 4x12, and I'll put the RK 2x12 on top for the 'shock & awe' gigs, and just use the 2x12 for the smaller places... Strat
  4. S

    Schumacher Trannys & Identifying a Recto

    This has got to be the only forum where a post with the words 'identify, tranny, and recto' can all be in the subject line and not immediately get flagged to to a moderator.
  5. S

    Roadster W/D/W Experiment

    Dom, Grats on the 'proof of concept' moment you've got going on, and I do agree that there is a ton of learning opportunity there whether it makes it into your gigging rig(s) or not. For the tone preservation, I think you're quickly reaching the point where you have to consider adding this to...
  6. S

    Roadster - that Brit mode (channel 2)....

    The moment that you let go of the idea that 'Brit = JCM 800' and understand that 'Brit = Plexi' is the moment that you will begin to understand what to do with the mode. Till then, you're going to struggle. I'm talking a stock plexi. Not a hot-rodded, modded, or variac'd plexi. And not a plexi...
  7. S

    Trouble Changing Jewel Light

    The good news is that they do actually come off. The bad news is that the extremely high levels of mojo emitted from these amps tend to cement the jewel light in place. Please follow instructions below. 1. Acquire paper towel or rubber 'jar lid' opener. Ask if you don't know what either of...
  8. S

    Non-Mesa new amp day... about a month. Getting a Marshall YJM100. It will be one of the last ones, as production is stopping. Still (and always will) keeping my RKII. Just adding another rig for variety. Being as I'll have an actual 'plexi' style head for reference, if i come up with any interesting ways to...
  9. S

    Which Tubes Do You Use In Your Dual Rectifier?

    All, Thanks for the Tung Sol info. I'll definitely be dropping one into V1 for my retube. Strat
  10. S

    Which Tubes Do You Use In Your Dual Rectifier?

    Daisy and/or bendo, Have any input on how the Tong Sol colors/sits in V1? I'm getting ready to fully retube my RK2 (new job, and catching up on needed maintenance). I currently have a Mesa SPAX7-A in V1. Thanks, Strat
  11. S

    Who is still feeling the love for their Roadking?

    Here's a '70's classic rock' kind of thing, tone wise... Strat
  12. S

    Who is still feeling the love for their Roadking?

    Softail, This sounds great, as you've got a varied enough equipment background to understand my thoughts. The RK is a high-end amplifier, that's part of the Recto product line. First and foremost, it excels at being a Recto. With that being said, it's very versatile as you suggested. While...
  13. S

    Who is still feeling the love for their Roadking?

    Softail, Just so we have a understanding of your point of reference (since your asking ours), which Mesa products do you currently own? I'm not sure if your sig is a banner of ownership, or a wishlist. Strat
  14. S

    Roadster as a power amp?

    What iceman said, with one addition... I believe the Presence control still has functionality. Check the manual to verify. Strat
  15. S

    The Tremoverb is one versatile beast.

    Good shots of McCabe with the amp here... Strat