Recent content by robszab

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  1. robszab

    Rectoverb 25 Combo vs Roadster Combo

    Congrats! It IS a stellar amp. Still my favorite in the Mesa lineup.
  2. robszab

    Rectoverb 25 Combo vs Roadster Combo

    Funny enough, the guy who sold me the Rectoverb was getting rid of it for the same reason...too heavy for him! Anyway, I'm 43...recently shed 35 pounds. More fit than I've been in years. Thankfully, my back is still good...but that didn't make lifting the Roadster any more pleasant for me, haha...
  3. robszab

    Rectoverb 25 Combo vs Roadster Combo

    I just sold my Roadster combo, which I swore I'd never sell. What prompted this? It was the PERFECT amp as it sat stationary in the same spot for three years. All four channels were loaded with glorious tones. I loved that amp. Not too long ago, I was asked if I'd be willing to play in the...
  4. robszab

    WTB: Flux Five

    Looking for a Flux Five in excellent condition. Thanks! -Rob
  5. robszab

    Mini Roadster ??

    I think the Rectoverb 25 would get you closer due to the built-in spring reverb. It definitely doesn't have all the channels and modes of the Roadster, but I think the tones are mostly there.
  6. robszab

    New Mesa EL-34 amp - Triple Crown TC-50 Now Official!

    Looks like an awesome amp! I guess I'll be the first to complain about something...where's the Bold/Spongy switch??? I think this amp would benefit from it much more than a Rectifier. And not a complaint, but I'm curious about why they went with a V30 in the combo instead of the Fillmore...
  7. robszab

    Matching Pickups To A Recto

    Many years ago, before anyone really had internet, I came to the realization that I don't need a high-output pickup to drive my high-gain Recto. I tried a Duncan '59. High-gain rhythm tones were to die for. Loaded with rich harmonic overtones and incredibly dynamic and touch-responsive. But I...
  8. robszab

    Trading my Dual Rec for a Roadster

    I made nearly the same trade....I had a 2-channel Solo Head, 5XXX (what is that, a rev G?). I sold it some years ago to pay off some debt before I got married. I loved that amp and knew I'd own another someday. I ended up with a Roadster instead, and I must say it suits me a little better. The...
  9. robszab

    Transatlantic TA-15 for sale...

    Can't help #1, and I'm 2800 miles from the amp so I can't really help #2, either. If it's not exactly as described, I'll refund everything minus the cost to ship it.
  10. robszab

    Transatlantic TA-15 for sale...

    Bump with a price drop.
  11. robszab


    Another clip:
  12. robszab


    That was fun. Thanks for posting that! That is going to be my next amp.
  13. robszab

    Transatlantic TA-15 for sale...

    No love for the TA? Am I asking too much? Is it that I didn't include pics?
  14. robszab


    Sounds amazing. Anyone have clips with it in the 10-watt setting?
  15. robszab

    Transatlantic TA-15 for sale...
