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  1. R

    Tubes for JP2C

    I'm in Europe and we get even less Mesa tubes so I went with a TAD suggested JP2C kit. Waiting for it to arrive and we'll see :)
  2. R

    Tubes for JP2C

    Hi, What tubes should I get for my JP2C, preamp and power tubes as well? It would also be interesting to know what tubes JP uses in his amps if anyone knows? Thank you!
  3. R

    The best lead tone I've ever had in my entire life...

    Hey, thanks for chiming in! Wish I could record in an acceptable quality. Maybe it will happen at some point in the future. I totally agree with you about the V. I don't care too much for the IIC+ or III or IV. The V does everything for me that I've ever wanted to hear and more. This is a...
  4. R

    Are amps like wine?

    Just like we can't 100% surely tell that every older wine tastes better than every newer wine, the same cannot be said about older, more worn in amps either. There are two variations to this effect - first, the wear of the parts, which may make an amp sound different over decades, but it doesn't...
  5. R

    mesa 6l6 tube life?

    As far as I know the 45 watts mode puts a real strain on the power tubes so the ~1 year lifetime seems realistic to me this way. Normally (90 watts mode in the Mark V) any typical 6L6s should last at least 1000 hours up to an incredible 5000 hours, but the latter would be military-grade tubes.
  6. R

    The best lead tone I've ever had in my entire life...

    ... is actually made possible by John Petrucci inspired settings: This little snippet of the video shows everything clearly. Even the volume is absolutely bearable with these settings. My personal tweaks since I'm using a homemade 2x12 V30 cab and I'm pretty...
  7. R

    Mark V:35 Say WHAT?!?! Short Head and 1x12 combo

    I don't see the point in releasing this. The Mark V:25 was absolutely good and successful and this one doesn't add too much. It would've made more sense to me if it had the big V's modes.
  8. R

    How do I get this tone???

    I would say Channel 2 Crunch or Channel 3 Mark IV mode. But since you're playing a Tele, most likely you'll find that Mark IV mode has the gain you'd want for this. The great thing about the Mark V is that with the graphic EQ you can really dial frequencies in or out, so you can really change...
  9. R

    Dream Mark V

    I've never heard a V:25 in person but I'm pretty sure that Mesa didn't make it too different to the V. Maybe some sounds need to be dialed in differently because they had to make a very different circuitry to make the sounds of 3 channels merged into 2, but I'm sure that the V:25 is absolutely...
  10. R


    There is definitely some hiss with the gain fairly high up but it never bothered me too much. The signal-to-noise ratio is still very good when I'm playing. Does it hiss really hard all the time or only when your guitar's volume turned up and you're not playing? If the latter, a noise gate could...
  11. R

    Overly trebly and missing low end

    Hello guys, thank you for all your advices! I'm very happy to come back to you and report that I have the amp dialed in now. I'm shocked at how good it sounds, easy and total JP tone at controllable volumes. My settings: Output is turned down in this pic but it was a tad above 9 o'clock. These...
  12. R

    Overly trebly and missing low end

    Thanks for all the tips guys! Today I had the chance to try a friend's guitar with the amp (it's still "only" a Diamond Series Schecter with EMGs but it's fixed bridge and neck-thru) and everything sounded just perfect with every channel, mode, and settings. So it seems that it's my guitar...
  13. R

    Overly trebly and missing low end

    Hello and thank you! Actually the struggle is real on all 3 channels. Channel 2 seems a bit easier to dial in right to me but still not where I'd want to be. Obviously channel 3 is where it all gets confusing to me. It's not the best quality pic but I think you can see most of it. I'm trying...
  14. R

    Overly trebly and missing low end

    Hey guys, I finally managed to make my dream come true and bought a used Mark V head locally (here in Hungary as far as I know there are only 3-4 of these amps and most of them are US versions - mine is EU). I tried messing around with the settings according to the manual and JP's video of the...
  15. R

    C90 speaker any good for leads?

    Hi! I'm closer to getting my Mark V every day. I have tons of questions popping up in my head (sadly, I can't try a Mark V here in Hungary, so it will be a blind, and also very expensive purchase. Mesa EU is kinda funny... A new V combo costs around 4000 USD here). The latest one is whether I...