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  1. P

    bit of a shaky start

    Would you say the same for me? Mine was 2nd hand
  2. P

    bit of a shaky start

    My f50 has blown 2 fuses since i got it a few months back. I just accept it
  3. P

    F-50 owners?

    Looking forward to hearing how you get on nick.
  4. P

    F-50 owners?

    Thanks for the detailed reply! Was just thinking, how long is it until you would consider tubes broken in..? I know volume etc and drive would have an effect...
  5. P

    F 30 Q.

    I can only answer the Q's about the line out. Its mono. I used it to record what I play direct to MD while jamming, thus I can record easily what I played incase I get any ideas and cant remember them later on. Dont know about the speaker options, mine was 2nd hand and it cam with a black shadow...
  6. P

    F 30 Q.

    PS, have a look at the F50 owners thread, there might be some info in there you could use
  7. P

    F 30 Q.

    hmm, well I know how you feel but... Can you play the amp at home at a 'reasonable' volume? since you have a daughter. also, i bought mine (F50) with a view to jamming and gigging. I do jam, but never gig. I hope to this year if I can sort a band... I just feel you would be like me, and find...
  8. P

    Anyone Using a HotPlate with a Mark IV?

    How much of a difference can an EQ make? I would imagine I would find one very useful, but I havnt tried one. I have too many things to get now! Well, at least I can scrub the Noise reduction, since they are built into hotplates!
  9. P

    Anyone Using a HotPlate with a Mark IV?

    I like the sound of this. Perhaps it will extend the marriage I will have with the f50 :idea: Cheers. ps, does anyone have any recordings? particularly with a mkIV?
  10. P

    Anyone Using a HotPlate with a Mark IV?

    Wow. Id better look into one in that case! With and attnuator, is it easier to control the volume, because at low volumes I find that its hard to set an appropriate volume, IE, the vol nob is moved a millimeter, and the volume jumps, whereas it would be good if it gave... more ranges of volume...
  11. P

    F-50 owners?

    Wow, so you were in the same position as me. Tell me ALL about it!!! Please, what did you find the differences to be? Is it true that mk4's have to be loud, or is it the same as with any other amp?
  12. P

    F-50 owners?

    So you going to share your settings then? :)
  13. P

    F-50 owners?

    Sounds interesting. I know what you mean, I can never get the amp working, its just too powerful. If I play with a drummer, I hardly need to take the gain master past 9:00, else we would just get thrown out of the rehearsal rooms. Here are the settings I am currently using. Clean Gain 12:00...
  14. P

    F-50 owners?

    Ironically, I am not completely satisfied with the F50, and am always on the lookout for a MKIV to try out, because I think it will be more up my street. Im very happy with the cleans, but I need more gain! The F50 only comes as a combo. Mine is completely standard, with the black shadow...
  15. P

    Post your Rig!

    Theyre also meant to be the closest match to Petrucci's custom pickups :)