I found swapping at least one preamp tube had cleaned up the buzzy/fizzy sound on my JP-2C.
We did the same on my friend’s JP-2C and it helped it as well.
I had two MKVII's (one was a head and the other a rackmount).
I traded the head for a KSR Colossus and sold the rack mount locally.
I had decided to sell the rack mount once a brand new JP-2C (two weeks old) became available at a pretty low price.
I had sold the MKVII for $50 more than the...
The MKV was a used amp that came with EL34's.
I wish that I would have checked to see what version of Mesa Boogie EL34's were in it before I sold the amp.
I play a wide range of style and the JP-2C is a little more heavy/agressive sounding to me even with the gains dialed back.
It feels more like "1-2" specific tones/feels done extremely well to me.
I believe the MKVII can be used for more styles and it does sound really good to great depending...
Yeah, it is a really interesting amp.
My buddy offered me his KSR Gemini (his band just broke up) for a trade of an FM9 and some cash so I could compare the Gemini with the Colossus.
I had a KSR Artemis (it's kind of a rack version of the Colossus) and sold it only to get a custom stereo KSR...
The JP-2C can definitely get a lot of thump/punch without much effort.
It thumps as hard or harder than my Road Kings and Roadsters.
I wish we did have more power tube options on all of these Mesa Boogie amps since it could make them become completely different beasts!!
I think the JP-2C sounds better than the MKIV where the JP-2C is really easy to dial in a great sound right away.
However, the MKIV is the best MKIV out there for that MKIV tone.
The clean is really great on the MKIV as well.
The shared "Crunch" is okay and can be made to sound great with the...
I have a Mark IVB and the Mark IV on the Mark VII is different.
I would say the Mark VII sounds like a modern/tighter/thinner version of the Channel 3 from the Mark IV.
I was going to sell my Mark IVB until I compared them then I had decided to keep my Mark IVB since it does have it's own...
I had received the fuses today (thanks again to each of you for the links), and I have replaced the power tube pair where one had red plated.
The amp sounds great again with no red plating or blowing fuses or a burning smell so I am assuming the issue was related to the red plating power tube...
I've been noticing the same thing myself and it really does look like they will be phased out in the near future.
I had purchased a new one earlier this year from a company that honored the $2799 price (with tax and shipping included) after the $350 price spike up to $3149.
I had figured that...
Thanks for the reply.
The 4A will be the correct one for my Mark IVB (I had taken out the fuse last night and read the small inscription).
It looks like Mesa Boogie has used 3A on some amps and 4A on others.
I am pretty concerned about the burning smell so I will need to take the chassis out...
It looks like Mesa Boogie has used 3A fuses for some versions and 4A on other versions.
I had found that the fuse says 4A on mine so your first link will be the right one for me, thanks.
Yesterday, I had noticed a plastic burning type of smell while playing my MKIV then today a power tube went red.
Once I had noticed that a power tube started glowing then I turned off the amp.
I had let it cool down long enough so that I could readjust the power tube positions (I...