Recent content by n.martinez2740

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  1. N

    Dead 3 channel dual rec

    I think this is what I was running into. Replaced the fuse and the power tubes, everything seems to be back in order. Thanks for all the info, everyone!
  2. N

    Dead 3 channel dual rec

    I took them to a very reliable tube supply place in Denver. Not sure what they use but I have all the results of the test, all were fine. I didn't have my preamps tested though.
  3. N

    Dead 3 channel dual rec

    I didn't have the volume opened up. I'm going to pick up another and try it out. Thanks all!
  4. N

    Dead 3 channel dual rec

    Thanks for the advice. The fuse is blown. All tubes tested good. Any idea what could cause the fuse to blow like that?
  5. N

    Dead 3 channel dual rec

    Hey all, I have a 3 channel dual rectifier solo head. I was playing today and my amp died on me, and won't turn back on. Any good guesses on what it might be? Thanks!
  6. N

    EL34 vs 6L6

    How about matching tubes? Do they need to be matched? Also, if I use the same tube style ie: EL34's, can I use different brands at the same time?
  7. N

    EL34 vs 6L6

    Do you mean the EL34B's?
  8. N

    EL34 vs 6L6

    I need to get some new power tubes for my dual rectifier. It has the bias switch for EL34 or 6L6, so I can put in either. Just curious of big differences. Also, if anyone has any favorite brands. I play primarily metal. Thanks!
  9. N

    Amp issue

    Thanks for the advice. As far as tubes go, any recommended types? I can use EL34 or 6l6's. I play primarily metal. Also, any favorite sources for them? Thanks again guys!
  10. N

    Amp issue

    Thanks for the help. One is red plating. I've also read about cleaning where the tube sits. How exactly do I do that? Thanks again!
  11. N

    Amp issue

    I have a dual rectifier 3 channel solo head. Everything is set within the recommended settings from the manual. I was playing and a volume swell and strong hum began, and a loud popping whenever I change channels. I turned it off and then quickly noticed a smell of something getting either too...