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  1. M

    Post your rig part 2

    Hi, those are not sounding the same as tubes assortments are pretty different. Beside, such "non consistency" on the old mark did exist at that time. I play mostly 2 of those, the others amps are stored in a separate house. That being said, Dual Rectifiers sound killer too :D
  2. M

    Post your rig part 2

    Hi There, quick video for introducing my Boogie "mark" Family. 5 MK IIC+ are welcoming the new one, an early SRX pretty clean :D
  3. M

    Road King V1 quick demo

    hi there, just made a quick demo of the Road King (V1) (the main focus is on the tone, not on the riff coverage :lol: ) I couldn't get any nice crunch with the 12AX7 Mesas then i went for a couple of changes, as...
  4. M

    1985 mark IIc+ long head DRG .

    hI, please note, by writing the last post, my goal was not to trigger a "price making ! price taking" war; it was more a gimmic related to ccy mention and nothing else :lol: Rob is fully right. He could also take the reverse example by discussing about sport cars. A second hand Porsche Boxter...
  5. M

    1985 mark IIc+ long head DRG .

    Hi Emil, assuming your offer is set at DKK 5000 ..... :) :lol:
  6. M

    CHORUS FX: In The Loop or Pre-amp?

    Hi THERE, TC Electronic Corona Chorus sounds really good for clean, give a try to the TC Vortex Flanger, sounds amazing , more organic than the TC Nova i found
  7. M

    Finally got a IIC+

    Congrats !!! :lol: Tons of gain indeed !!
  8. M

    Price check IIC+ conversion, 60 watts, no EQ or reverb

    Hi There, If i m correct, that one is sold as for now :lol: This version, kind of minimal configuration sounds awesome you can spend an entire afternoon just tweaking preamp tubes combinations etc and i founded the clean very sparkling. It was fairly priced, i paid USD 1400 for the latest S...
  9. M

    SED Winged C's vs STR 415's

    Hi, from what i found both with C+ and MK IV configuration : The closest 6L6 GC are the Tungsol (the normal version, no the bigbulb) this tubes offer a great alternative to magic STR 415/ 387. SED Winged C 6L6 are pretty medium/dark oriented; I like those when combined with appropriate...
  10. M

    Attenuator for Mark V - bedroom player

    hI, As many members said, no need of using an attenuator when playing a MK V MKIV and MKV sound cool at bedroom volume, Obviously opening the volume with a MK V really provide a great tone. I have a Koch Load Box II at home, very transparent, i only used that one when I played My Old Single...
  11. M

    Post pics of your MESA/Boogie here.

    Hi There, my C+'s , i truely love those !!
  12. M

    Mark IIC+ opinions

    Hi Luca, regarding the ebay auction you mentionned, This amp was serviced recently, the Chassis is noticeably clean , on top, the Headshell is gorgeous. Regarding the seller, well, it's difficult to find a better guy than Pearskill. I own 4 MKIIC+, i bought all these amps from him. He's...
  13. M

    Mark IIC+ opinions

    Hi there, MKIIC+ is one animal, MKIII is different one. The only way to compare both is playing both. I don't know how to explain it, C+ has this special thing , more focused, more instant etc. In one word, a "magical amp" as Mark Snyder said in Guitar Afficionado #2 :P
  14. M

    Mark IIC+ opinions

    Hi, to my opinion, I would say : 1/ servicing at Mesa is not a "nice to have", it's a must have, reliability wise 2/ reverb is not a deal breaker 3/ nonEQ is more focused and focused than the EQ version (i own both versions with similar tubes configuration), tone can be reshaped by using an...
  15. M

    TC Electronic Corona & Flashback Delay

    Hi, I can't comment about the Flashback delay (i don't own one yet ) The Corona Chorus is pretty cool, The tri Mode is versatile and subtile too. I downloaded the JP TonePrint for Crunch, I really like it though MK II or MKIV, The classic chorus mode is easily tweakable, i prefer the corona...