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  1. M

    Question for 5:50 Owners

    I have the 5:50+ combo (1x12) and I think it's gets pretty glassy & clean. It's pretty good in 5w mode, and gets better in the higher wattage settings. The only catch is that you'll need to fiddle with the tone & eq, but it's worth it.
  2. M

    Express Plus 5:25 vs Express Plus 5:50

    I think I can live with it, and after digesting the info here & elsewhere, my gut tells me the hiss is basically inherent. I'll get another data point when the tubes need replacing. I really like the amp. I must say, however, that the first time I carried it (out of the store), it didn't feel...
  3. M

    Express Plus 5:25 vs Express Plus 5:50

    Does anybody have a problem with hiss? Even gain low on the clean channel , if I boost the treble at all, the hiss is pretty noticeable. Is this "normal" or should I send it back?
  4. M

    Express Plus 5:25 vs Express Plus 5:50

    what's up with the hiss ? If I boost the top EQ slider on the clean channel, hiss is pretty evident (even with no cable connected to the input). Is this inherent or a possible defect? It's not noticeable most of the time, but I can heat it when I stop playing. Are there any other indicators...
  5. M

    Express Plus 5:25 vs Express Plus 5:50

    got the 5:50 yesterday. It was quite a bit bigger than I was suspecting, but I liked the additional clean headroom available when playing my Les Paul. For my Strat, the diff was probably negligible. It sounds great at low volume. The tone controls are extremely powerful (especially the bass)...
  6. M

    Express Plus 5:25 vs Express Plus 5:50

    music : classic rock (Stones, Faces, CCR, etc), funk, blues, some country use case : Just home & rehearsal for now ... tone preference : - clean to dirty (no need for shred), - warm rather than edgy, but would prefer to have something that has the ability to do both Sounds like the 50 is...
  7. M

    Express Plus 5:25 vs Express Plus 5:50

    I've never owned a MB before , strictly Fender ('79 Twin, '90 HR Dlx), but now I've decided to Boogie. I've narrowed it down to a Express Plus 5:25 (which I tried & loved) or a Express Plus 5:50, which I haven't tried yet 'cuz it's on back-order at the local MB dealer. So my question is this...