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  • mark1406
    mark1406 replied to the thread Early Mark 1.
    I would like if the output stage needs to be pushed then what’s the point of having a master volume? In my SOB it has a LIMIT...
  • mark1406
    mark1406 reacted to FedWar's post in the thread Early Mark 1 with Like Like.
    Old marshall style, I was actually referring that only plexi marshall you needed to make the power amp saturate in order to have a...
  • mark1406
    mark1406 reacted to edge59AlnicoIV's post in the thread Early Mark 1 with Like Like.
    The early Mark 1 had the Tweed Bassman/Marshall PI, Santana and others said it was too shrill so Randall changed the PI to Blackface...
  • mark1406
    mark1406 replied to the thread Early Mark 1.
    I’m not sure what you mean by “power section (old Marshall style).” Is that a reference to the P.I. stage? Regards Mark
  • mark1406
    mark1406 reacted to FedWar's post in the thread Early Mark 1 with Like Like.
    there are some posts online taken from magazine of that time that state that he and many other were using the magic " 7 7 7" values...
  • mark1406
    mark1406 replied to the thread Early Mark 1.
    Santana didn’t use an overdrive pedal with these amps. I don’t know what settings he used, but he could get the amp to feedback on...
  • mark1406
    mark1406 reacted to DC3 Gridlock's post in the thread Early Mark 1 with Like Like.
    I am really liking the amp, I switched power around (matched sets inner and outer) tubes per Mesa’s comments and cleaned the reverb tank...