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  1. jediguitarist

    Mark IV Pull Pot

    I think the Tube Amp Doctor has the pot you're looking for.
  2. jediguitarist

    Modification to move Graphic EQ and/or Reverb after Effects Return

    I know nothing about wiring and barely know how to read a schematic with knowledge of Day 1 of electronics class. :lol: These might help EQ Schem pdf EQ Layout pdf
  3. jediguitarist

    Why no DC info on the M/B site???

    The only thing I could find was what years they were made. 1993-1999
  4. jediguitarist

    Can Boogies be addictive?

    I'm with you on this. Does having a Quad count as having a Mark II and III? :lol: Short wish list: Mark I Mark IIa, IIb - More likely to happen Mark IIc+ - Hey, I can dream... :cry: Mark III - Simul prefered, GEQ not required
  5. jediguitarist

    Spinal Tap Mesa Boogie Sighting

    Decided to watch Englands loudest band again for the hundredth time. Never noticed it until now. I'm sure the DVD/BluRay has better quality than the copy I have that someone ripped. VHS maybe? I'm wonder if it's a Mark I or II. AND does it go to 11? :lol:
  6. jediguitarist

    New Quad Owner *with vid*

    Recording output of the Quad with some impulse responses is very magical!
  7. jediguitarist

    Mesa Fillmore - Claims it lacks volume/headroom

    That's interesting about the Master. I would actually like it if all amps worked the same way. The Boogie stuff I have has that 5% to 95% volume jump from 2.5 to 3.0 :lol: Buddy of mine had the Marshall 4x10. He played an ampeg head through it and I thought it sounded sweet. I'd like to...
  8. jediguitarist

    Mesa Fillmore - Claims it lacks volume/headroom

    I really wish they would find another way to measure the perceived volume of a guitar amp. Perhaps list dB at certain distances. I gig a Mark IV 90% of the time. I also gig a 40W Traynor YCV40 similar to a Hot Rod Deluxe. I don't play crystal clean, and use pedals for the Traynor. Never had...
  9. jediguitarist

    Mesa 395 Questions - Speaker load & fuse values

    You can't turn on just one side? I run a Simul 295 with one 8ohm cab, but I'll alternate each side every few gigs/sessions/practices. The mains fuse holder should be labeled but it's a 6a SB fuse.
  10. jediguitarist

    Load box Mesa V - Silent recording ... using IRs

    No issues so far from my end. I don't have a Mark V, but I do silent recording with a Quad preamp, DC-5 and Mark IV. All with IRs The Recording out sounds as you would expect: Acceptable with some creative EQ but generally sub-par. At least the higher gain channels. With IRs, I'm very...
  11. jediguitarist

    New quad - large volume drop after a few minutes

    Wow, I had the exact same issue about 5 years ago. Same thing. Brought it to an authorized repair shop. Explained the problem. The tech called me up the next day and said he cleaned it and couldn't recreate the volume drop after playing though it for over an hour. Haven't had the volume drop...
  12. jediguitarist

    Bass 400+ all tubes red plating

    I know nothing about Boogie repair, but I watched this guys vids. He mentioned red plating on a Mesa Boogie DC3. Maybe it can help you solve the issue with the 400+
  13. jediguitarist

    The one guitar you regret most parting with?

    1984 Gibson Explorer Heritage Series. Busted my butt at my first job pushing carts as a kid for an entire summer. Cost $525 brand new and the music shop ordered it once I paid $450. I visited that damn guitar for weeks just to look at it. Had to sell it to get rent money in college.
  14. jediguitarist

    Volume pedal in the loop

    Not sure about the Mark V but on a Mark IV the MASTERS double as the fx send control, and the OUTPUT LEVEL also works as an fx return control. You could try keeping the master on 4-5 while keeping the output on 1-2. Check to see if you hear anything. OR The master on 1-2 and the output 4-5...
  15. jediguitarist

    2:90 12ax7's?

    Most likely, the 12ax7-a is V1 While the other two are for the PI V1 is located nearest the input jacks on left of the rear panel. V1a - (left tube) is the Input Stage for Channel A. V1b - (left tube) is the Input stage for Channel B. V2 - (center tube) is the Phase Inverter for Channel B. V3 -...