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  1. F

    MK 3 Reverb problem

    revamping this old 3d just to say thanks. The Boogiebabies info helped me in resolving my reverb issues (it was a bad ground).
  2. F

    $500 Mark IV head - ST Louis craigslist tip.

    I replied few minutes after the ads was listed... and got no reply, too.... :( Anyway, I hope someone is enjoying his 500$ mark IV somewhere :D
  3. F

    FS: Mesa Mark IV Widebody Combo + Extras

    PM sent, picked the wrong "send pm" button before! :oops: :oops: Guess it's gone now, though.....
  4. F

    Paypal echeck only $5 fee

    Sorry, I thought this post was here to suggest everyone a good service to transfer money when buying amps..... .....if a better (safer and cheaper) one exists......why not use it? I am long time paypal user, but I have seen in the years how a good idea has evolved into a TOO profit-guided...
  5. F

    Why using Paypal when a good FREE alternative exists?

    what a difference.....PAYPAL here in italy never called me (and I spent more than 1000 EUROS = 1600$ on a transaction), their number is not toll free (as it was before), and their customer care is say at least :roll: revol. users out-there?
  6. F

    Why using Paypal when a good FREE alternative exists?

    AFAIK they are an online service, but linked to a real bank (but this is, and is meant to be different from the bank you use for your savings......) Funds on every revol.account are limited to a max of 2500$. I don't see the problem, as if I would use the service this way: 1) I buy a goods...
  7. F

    Why using Paypal when a good FREE alternative exists?

    Sorry for the ignorance, but I'm not american....... Do americans give their SSN when opening a bank account? Is it a safe way to be sure the person is real and it's not a fraudster/scammer registering (in other words.......can anyone have access to your SSN and register with your data?)? If...
  8. F

    Paypal echeck only $5 fee

    What about leaving paypal and pay NO FEES at all for money transfers? I'm in noway affiliated with them (in fact I cannot use it as I'm not USA resident), but I think 0$ and 100% protection for the...
  9. F

    mesa dc-3 need info??

    ok, so for me the hunt for a dc10 starts.......NOW :D And if a great deal on a dc3 pop up somewhere, will consider that, too. I was looking for a mark iv or roadster as a studio 22+ upgrade, but if you both have the mk IV and use it as backup, that mean something to me... Moreover here in...
  10. F

    mesa dc-3 need info??

    argh.... monsta.... you really know how to light up gas :D :D
  11. F

    What do you think about Netherfall's recordings?

    So you mean - stay away from guitar rig for rythm recording only? I will try lowering the gain, and pan completely to left or fact the guitars are already two different tracks, recorded with the same sound, opened in stereo, but not 100% left and 100% right (70%, ATM).....and not...
  12. F

    mesa dc-3 need info??

    You really have a problem :D eheheh!!! I tried the dc5 and dc10 (dc10 after weeks) and did not notice a great clean channel difference, they both were really sweet and lovely (and fenderish, as far as I can remember)! Howewer if you tried at the same time all the
  13. F

    mesa dc-3 need info??

    Monsta-Tone.......WOW!!! Amazing pic! Returning to topic, DC5 and DC10 owners I knew usually don't pass 9 'o clock, and IMHO better tones/harmonics come out when the power tubes are working a bit. So, my point is.....if you like the el34 sound (as I do :wink: ), and unless you're going the...
  14. F

    What do you think about Netherfall's recordings?

    Hi 6L6C, thanks for yours comments, they were really appreciated! I too founded the guitar tone a bit thin, but adding bass and mid bass made it boomy and muddy, and not really fat.....I guess it's because tone and not eqing is what is lacking...howewer when re-mixing the tune with the new...