Recent content by espcustom-fr

The Boogie Board

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  1. E

    Issue Mark V 35: Buzz/sizzle (presence)

    Hi everybody. Very very happy owner of a Mark V35 head + Rectifier 1x12 cab that i've been waiting for 8 months here in FR. Couldn't be happier except for one issue. The amp has a strange noise, like a buzz or some sort of static electricity coming from the speaker. I mainly play channel 2 so...
  2. E

    Upgrading from Mark V 25 to Mark V

    that's a nice collection of amps DanL 8) well, the problem withe the V90 is that i don't want to pay for extra features i don't use. I'm a pretty straight forward and simple tweaking kind of man :mrgreen: 2 channels, some modes and that's it. Not even a reverb i care about. Well of course a...
  3. E

    Upgrading from Mark V 25 to Mark V

    Thanks for your input guys. Well I’m not really afraid of the power, I know how to handle it, what annoys me a bit is that I feel I won’t use 75% of the amp’s possibility it’s the big V. I’ve always been a 2 channel- simple layout guy. My Rectoverb was great: 2 channels, 5 mods and that’s it...
  4. E

    Upgrading from Mark V 25 to Mark V

    Hi. Big dilemma: mark v 25 or v? I have nice opportunities for each one of those on the used market. Can’t really make My mind . I’m a home player and mostly will play through a 1x12 and recording through my ai. I say to myself: big V is too much for me and for home playing, too much...
  5. E

    Older Mark V 90w vs New Mark V 90w

    Greetings from France. Big boogie fan here. I have an opportunity on a nice mark V from the older era, around 2010. Is there anything particular to check? The amp has been used by a touring musician but not heavily played. Regularly checked by a professional (Last check a few months ago)...