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  1. E

    Early Mark 1

  2. E

    Early Mark 1

    The early Mark 1 had the Tweed Bassman/Marshall PI, Santana and others said it was too shrill so Randall changed the PI to Blackface Twin style PI and the Presence control then became the a high cut or treble roll off at the master volume before the PI input seen in the re-issue. The King Snake...
  3. E

    Ciao Mk2b…

    How much does the PC board cost? It looks great!☺️🎸
  4. E

    Mark I reissue question

    I am rebuilding my SOB 60 watt possibly adding reverb and a loop. Also my Mitchell Pro 100 that is a clone of the early Mark 1, that I am upgrading the components as well. The early models had the bassman type presence and cut through more, but Carlos said it was too Brite so later they changed...
  5. E

    MArk III Green stripe serial # question.

    Yep, my Green stripe is an 89' as well :)
  6. E

    Mark I reissue question

    I don't know why Randall did not keep these going, Yea it was somewhat in the Heartbreaker, Lonestar and Mark V 90 but not as true to the original, great all around amp and great pedal platform too! Sweet Fender tones and great lead tones to be had!! :D Closest I get to the Mark I is my SOB 60...
  7. E

    Early Mark 1

    Are you looking for schematic? The early Mark I had the Bassman/Marshall style presence that added high harmonic content in the power amp feedback loop, where the re-issue had the black Face side of things with a hi roll off presence at the end of the preamp before the phase inverter/poweramp...
  8. E

    So I just called Mesa/Boogie Customer Support about modding my Studio Preamp

    I purchased an output trany for my Mark IVB a few years ago that was a fuller size and did sound better, more open and ballsier tone. He said it came from an earlier stereo simul-class power amp made with the same output transformer as found in the IIC+. I later sold the Mark IVB but took out...
  9. E

    So I just called Mesa/Boogie Customer Support about modding my Studio Preamp

    It's always good to get another opinion, especially from a reputable reliable source ☺️👍🎸☕
  10. E

    So I just called Mesa/Boogie Customer Support about modding my Studio Preamp

    There is ample info about the IIC+ retrofit changes for the mark III, and yes not more than about $10 in parts. I have done these mods and am quite happy with the results, but if Mesa does the work, expect to pay for it as the tech experience and labor rate is what it is, but you would have the...
  11. E

    So I just called Mesa/Boogie Customer Support about modding my Studio Preamp

    I really hope for the best for Mesa Boogie, they been here for the long haul and to carry the lineage on with the integrity and quality is what we hope for :)
  12. E

    Mark V35 issue

    Some effects don't do well in amp loops. What processor are you using in the loop?
  13. E

    Mark V35 issue

    Also make sure your effects have the right power supply, if the voltage and current, especially the the current (milliamps /Amps) are not at least it more, the effects will not perform properly.
  14. E

    Mark V35 issue

    Just a thought. Tubes can go bad being new sometimes 😏
  15. E

    Mark V35 issue

    How is it straight into the amp? Might be the processor settings that need adjustment, that has happened to me, then plug straight into the amp and it's fine. If all preamp tubes are known to be good, I would question the effects of the loop, possible loop 12ax7, you could swap the 1st 2...