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  1. D

    Eddie Van Halen and the Sylvania 6CA7's

    I heard EVH would blow heads and have the ability to footswitch them off. His amps flamed out.Talk about crazy. He ran the Sylvania's to the max. does anyone know what he did? I heard that he was lucky to get 2 weeks out of a set? What would you expect from the best guitarist that ever lived...
  2. D

    MKII EQ/SOund problem

    Running an ADA into a Mesa is simply INSANE!! When I had one running into a Simul-Class 295 it peeled the plaster off the walls at our Jam spot. No kidding. Hope you get yours going!
  3. D

    Confessions of a Simul Class Snob

    Those 6Ca7's are amazing!! I would never consider anything else. I have a Telefunken in V1 and would never change that either. So with that said all tubes in the amp are OEM except for V1. Simul-Class is a little bright for me. I love the deep harmonic chime sound that comes out of Class A. No...
  4. D

    MKIII V1 Question

    I have blue stripe and run the preamp quite hard. When I tap all the tubes V1 seems to ping loader than all others. I am wondering if this is normal. I also rum an ART Pro VLA into the amp to boost the clean signal into the amp. Could this damage the preamp?
  5. D

    STR-416 Disappointment

    Thats funny because my MKIII came with a Telefunken Smooth plate and thats to only tube I will ever use. I have two spares now. I use the Chinese OEM tubes in all other sockets. As for the STR-416's?? I purchased a set from some dude that got rid of his MKIII so guess what? I scooped the whole...
  6. D

    High gain preamp tubes on markiii

    Telefunken in V1 OEM Chinese in all the other. If you want more gain, boost the clean signal into the amp.
  7. D

    Mark III low volume playing

    Depending on what style of music you play or not but that EV will NOT sound good at low volume.
  8. D

    Mark III lead tone compared to modern amps

    IMO Nothing beats my Blue Strip with Sylvania EL34's running in Class A. No modern EL34 can produce these sounds. I have tried the RFT EL34's (STR450's) and yet they sound better than all the garden variety EL34's out there today, they are far from the Sylvania's just my 2 cents
  9. D

    How Many Mark III Mods Are Available?

    What is the iii+ or iiiC+ mod then.
  10. D

    Anyone Still Have Original 6L6 Tubes From The '80's?

    Thanks for all the PM's but those EL34's are a family members and not mine and not for sale
  11. D

    Anybody Roll Without OD Pedals?

    Why ruin the sound that made Mesa famous? Any OD drive into a MKIII I have tried makes it sound worse with it in. Thats why I bought a Mark III is cause it sounds so killer just "plug n standby n play" These things roar right outta the box! The only thing that would be close is an ADA through...
  12. D

    Mark III preamp tubes.

    I got alot of old Chinese 12AX7's How can you ID it if it is a Silver Special?
  13. D

    Mark III Tube swap and Treasure Found!!!!

    Tried it but at the same time I put a GE12AX7WA in V1. I notice more of a "musical" tone but the Heavy Distortion seemed to have gone away. It wasn't a bad thing but I think I will put a Chinese one in V1 and try that. I will try putting the Teleback in V1 and the GE12AX7WA in V3 and see what...