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  1. B

    Mark IV noise on lead channel

    Well there is gonna be noise anytime you are pushing that much signal, but it's should be hum it should never be static. If you have static, i'd say you have a problem.
  2. B

    Tung Sol 12AX7 in Mark IV?

    I had Tung Sols for my whole preamp at one point, and they are very nice. Although considering tung sols are a higher gain tube in my opinion, I think having 5 of them running is too much. When the gain starts cascading, it's begins to get harsh, I think they are awesome when you combine them...
  3. B

    Problem with mark iv (tube i think like usual)

    Ok I got some new power tubes in today and here is the break down: In class A the amp seemingly works but the tone is totally degraded ( all tinny and scratchy, no dynamics or volume) and after a few seconds a LOUD hum starts to swell up. Now in simulclass, the amp blows the fuse immediately...
  4. B

    Problem with mark iv (tube i think like usual)

    Well I haven't got to purchase any new Preamps yet because I've been busy but I just tried turning it on again and The same problem is there. I noticed the outside pair of power tubes are glowing abnormally bright orange and there is a swelling humming sound that sometimes stops and begins...
  5. B

    Problem with mark iv (tube i think like usual)

    Well usually when I fire up my MkIV and start to play there is a few seconds (about 15) where it crackles and the notes come through barely audible. Then all of a sudden something changes and it comes to life and sounds full and loud. This is usually something I just deal with, but today I went...
  6. B

    WTS EVM 12L

    So far best offer is $132 + shipping.
  7. B

    WTS EVM 12L

    Thought Id throw this on here a few days before I ebay to give you guys first dibs. This is a Mesa Black Shadow EVM 12L 8 ohms. Mint condition. Here' a photo so you know which version I'm talking about: $125 OBO Thanks!
  8. B

    WTS Maxon OD-9 Overdrive

    Thing is in perfect condition except for a couple nicks in the paint. Thought I'd throw it on here a few days for I Ebay it. $100 OBO Thanks!
  9. B

    Selling Eminence Delta Pro 12a Speaker

    Listed on Ebay at the moment, here is the link. PM or bid if interested. Thanks
  10. B

    V30 in Mark IV

    I have a question about ohms. I have a 16 ohm V30 that I want to try in my Mark IV combo. If I run it into the 8 ohm jack, this will create a safe mismatch correct? The only real effect on the sound should be slight volume loss right? Thanks
  11. B

    Mark Iv Buzzing You Get With Gain

    How do you guys manage the buzzing and feedback on the lead channel when you have the drive and gain pots pulled? When you have the EQ and all that stuff boosting the signal, mine gets really noisy. I can't really do any tapping because the other strings start feeding back. As long as I'm...
  12. B

    Framus Dragon

    Played my first Framus today. A buddy and I were driving around looking at amps (for him) and we found a little shop that had some Hi Watts, Framus, Hughes and Kettner, Traynor, and some Laneys. Which is surprising because most places don't carry that many boutique amps. I didn't play the...
  13. B

    Mark IV Widebody Combo Northeast Ohio

    Was out looking at amps today with a buddy. We ran across a used Mark IV widebody combo on consignment at Woodsie's Music shop in Kent, Ohio. Anyone in the area looking for a Mark iv, its real clean and they only want $995 for it. I figured I should post it here to possibly help someone out.
  14. B

    Price Check

    Cool well I'm looking to sell one
  15. B

    Price Check

    EVM 12L ? alright thanks