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  1. B

    Good pedal to put in front of a Mesa to overdrive it?

    Those were the two I was going to suggest. I've had them for quite a while. Excellent choice!
  2. B

    Fillmore 50 vs Express 5:50+

    I've been a fender amp guy for over 20 years but I keep swapping them around because none of them does everything that I want. Enter the Fillmore 50. It's kind of a fender amp on steroids. And according to the creators, that's what they were going for. Fantastic cleans great overdrive, to...
  3. B

    Amp Recommendation: Fender Convert - Need help choosing a Mesa - 5:50 Express Plus, LSC, LSS, or something else? Help

    In my opinion, a fender twin is definitely not the right amp for what you're doing. But you already know that. I have been a fender fanatic for maybe 20 years? But I am a blues rock player. When I was looking to upgrade from a fender Tweed Princeton with a 12-inch cannabis Rex I started looking...
  4. B

    Good pedal to put in front of a Mesa to overdrive it?

    I love my soul food and my OCD. Both excellent pedals. In fact I've been using the OCD for about 15 years now, although the soul food is just as good, but in a different way. Not as much gain but I really love the tone.
  5. B

    Quality control issues on day one

    Well, I really want to thank you guys, because now the problem is solved without a trip to the dealer. Because had I gone back, I may have bought that R8 VOS Iced Tea Les Paul that I was also looking at. And that would have been terrible...
  6. B

    Quality control issues on day one

    That is it exactly! Thanks very much.
  7. B

    Quality control issues on day one

    Well, that would be a good idea! Hopefully tmrw.
  8. B

    Quality control issues on day one

    No it's totally loose. Thanks again!
  9. B

    Quality control issues on day one

    So should I just turn it in until it's snug and leave it at that even though an inch of it is still exposed? Thanks for the answer by the way!
  10. B

    Quality control issues on day one

    So I picked up my Fillmore 50 today. Fantastic amp. But when I got it home and started unpacking everything from the back I noticed a couple of problems. There's quite a long Bolt hanging out to the right of the power tube section and it just seems to be dangling there. It won't screw in and it...