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The Boogie Board

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  1. B

    Is a Mesa Mark IV for me?

    Hello, Thanks for taking the time to read this. I am looking for an amp that will do the Warren Haynes tone well, and be versatile. Mesa is obviously the most versatile tube amp out there. I hadn't considered the Mesa to be the amp for this style until I heard this...
  2. B

    Fender style cleans - HELP!

    Thank you for the reply. I hope my post didn't come off insulting. I know for many that this amp is the holy grail, and for different styles of music, I can see how it would be. I might be trying to shove a square pin into a round hole. No disrespect intended. I would really like to make this...
  3. B

    Fender style cleans - HELP!

    Hello all! I am brand new here. I just purchased a Mark V. I have always been a vintage amp guy but I am dipping my feet in the Mesa pond for a little versatility. While I completely understand that these amps require a lot of tweaking to get them where you want them, my understanding is that...