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  1. 7

    Tips for tabing out guitar tabs by ear

    What I find really important is just making sure you're getting the right notes down first, THEN fixing the position and fingerings, etc. Watching videos surely helps with positioning, too. Sometimes I'll see an artist will play a song and I'll slap myself thinking, "Why did I learn it all the...
  2. 7

    New ebmm guitar jp for those who like it

    I'd like to try one. No serious GAS for it, though. Personally, I love that colour! Reminds me of the GT-R Spec V coming out in Japan. I'm saving (well, waiting, really) for a Koa JP7 atm. That one will kill.
  3. 7

    Post your rig part 2

    You should slow down on your gear purchases and get a decent camera :p That is some serious, Godly stuff though. Holy moly.
  4. 7

    Whoo-Hoo !!!!! My Roadster is in.

    Too Late. RIP. :(
  5. 7

    My new Ibanez 12 string!

    I think that looks pretty hot! Personally, I'd replace the pickguard, but whatever.
  6. 7

    are you serious?

    Yeah, that's my issue with it too! Kinda like how people want a keyboard for Rock Band. I'm pretty sure you could get a real one for the same price...
  7. 7

    Whoo-Hoo !!!!! My Roadster is in.

    What are the odds! The first time I log in in a month. The first thread I read. The day I'm selling my Roadster. A 2 year old REVIVED thread, nonetheless and someone has quoted me! Yes, I know 8o'clock is sickeningly low. Don't really get many chances to bring that sucker up, and I never have...
  8. 7

    What a birthday present.

    Every time I read these I wonder how people can be so retarded to believe them. Idiots. :?
  9. 7

    NGD! Dillion guitars = COOL!

    Incidentally, do you have pics of the butchered Trogdor guitar. Being a HSR fan, it's only fair I want to see it! :D
  10. 7

    ebmm y2d vs. prs ce24 (pre factory)

    Having not played either, I'm going to go with "Play them both, then decide."
  11. 7

    Looking for a Roadster head in Canada

    Are you still looking for one? I've got one I think I'm going to unload. I PM'd you. PM me if you're interested.
  12. 7

    Guitar porn: My Ibanez PGM301 Prestige

    My favourite PGM model by far. Hardtail > Floyd Rose, at least for my impatient self.
  13. 7

    Gibson Zoot Suit - Cool Guitar or $1999 piece of plywood?

    LOL! ^ That one looks like a shovel! A very metal shovel, but a shovel nonetheless. Good god, the zoot suit one is horrid.
  14. 7

    Wooden face plate for Dual Rec head?

    That looks killer! :twisted:
  15. 7

    xotic bb preamp

    Is the BB good for channel 3 lead-type stuff? Just curious because someone above said it wasn't really that high gain (not that it's technically gain I'm after).