When will they revive the Trem-o-Verb?

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Jan 25, 2005
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I love rectos, but none of them compare sound-wise to the trem-o-verb. I wish mesa would reissue it with 3 redone channels, and with 50/100watts, variac, and rectifier select switches for each channel. And fix the whole "3-channel sounds worse than 2-channel" problem. That would be one sweet head, but it would probably cost nearly as much as the road king. Oh well, I can dream. BTW hi this is my first post, bla bla bla.
Hello there...
I also own a Trem-O-Verb...A 2x12 combo actually, which I hook up to an extra Bogner 2x12 oversized cab because, let's be honest, you need a total of 4x12 to remain cool!

I'm so very pleased with this amp except for two things:

-channel switching but no mode switching (or channel cloning through switch)
-no propellers to make it fly from location A to location B and therefor: one hell of a work out session every time you move it...No problem if you don't move it a lot of course, but in my case...

The rest indeed is top notch, but I'm still considering selling it because of the mobility problem...
It is indeed quite heavy - I have a roadcase on mine, which adds another 50lbs! :shock:

I can't complain though, it's the price you pay for good tone and versatility in an amp.
I just got my Tremoverb head last night. First Mesa I have owned.
Other High Gain heads I have had in the past: 5150II, Laney VH100R, H&K Triamp MKI.

Now I have only spent about 2 hours on the amp and no longer have any of those other amps to A/B compare, but I have to say......my initial impressions lead me to believe this amp is the best I have owned so far for tone. The Triamp was a little more versatile, but **** this Boogie sounds and feels great!
I went with the head largely because of the 2x12 combo weight issue.

It will be interesting to see if they bring the Tremoverb back and if so what changes they might make.
Hi I'm JONG and I'm a Tremoverb abuser as well. I've been abusing for close to 8 years now. I love the HIGH! Everybody should try one. I find they're slightly bad for your health (back) so I yanked the chassis out of the combo and built a headcase for it. My rig pic is posted in the... um... rig pic thread.

See you at the next meeting! :twisted:
I'm with KnightofNi451 on this one.
I would love to see the Tremoverb with a lower power option (a la Mark IV Class A vs Simulclass thing) and variac style power reducer.
I just got a T-verb and am LOVING it. I too have the combo and the weight is pretty ridiculous. I would love to see a power level switch as well, 100 watts is just too much. I'm gonna have to get a hotplate for this sucker.
Lee Bob said:
I just got a T-verb and am LOVING it. I too have the combo and the weight is pretty ridiculous. I would love to see a power level switch as well, 100 watts is just too much. I'm gonna have to get a hotplate for this sucker.

I've heard of some players removing 2 of the power tubes in recto heads to achieve a 50 watt solution. Granted 50 watts is still plenty loud. But call Mesa and speak with the tech about this option if interested. Do this at your own risk. But do let us know what the techs say at Mesa.

I've heard of some players removing 2 of the power tubes in recto heads to achieve a 50 watt solution.


No need to call Mesa. It is true and it works! I've been running mine with two EL34's for about 5 years now. It is very simple. Here is what you need to do.

Remove two power tubes in pairs, either the two outter or two inner pair. I removed the two inner since I figured it would space out the other remaining tubes and maybe offer better heat dissipation. Also remove one Rectifier tube. It doesn't matter which one. I left the one closest to the power tubes.

There is one other consideration - your speaker jack impedences double. So you basically have one 32 ohm, two 16 ohm, and two 8 ohm jacks now. I applied some masking tape above the jacks and relabled mine to reflect the new values.

This effectively reduces your output to 50 watts +or-. It is still a loud amp - this isn't a 50% reduction in volume. Your bold/spongy and vintage/modern settings will reduce wattage more, and I believe if i remember correctly, that you can actually get it down to about 20 watts or so, depending on switch position.

If you have any questions, I'll be happy to help. **Edit for added pic**
jong is right on with his description of how to safely remove two power tubes and drop the power on the Tverb.
I have an aquiantance that has a Tverb and in talking with him we discussed this and he sent me an article he got from somewhere years back. It is an interview with a Mesa Boogie Technician and the tech explains how to do it as well.
If anyone is interested in the article I can send it via email. Just let me know.
I'm really interested in this amp.

If I bought a Rectifier it would probably be a Trem-o-verb.

How is the blues mode compared to pushed, raw, brit, etc.?
For those who have tried, how much different is the tone between the EL34's and 6L6's in the T-verb? Also for those who have played with different tube companies and there tubes what are your fav combinations for preamp, power and rectifier tubes?
To me the EL34s sound brighter and crisper than the 6L6s.... more rock...BUT, I use the 6L6s because the EL34s were very inconsistant tonally. (using mesaboogie brand tubes) Last thing you want is your amp crapping out at a gig.

Anyone know exactly how heavy (in lbs) the Tremoverb 2x12 combo is?
Someone fill me in (not reviving the Trem-o-Verb) but I got the impression the Road King replaced the Trem-o-Verb. I thought the Trem-o-Verb was a subset of the Road King.

Is there anyone that own both and could compare the two:?:

Yes, I love my Trem-o-Verb especially the Red Channel - Blues Mode and Orange Channel - Vintage High Gain Mode.
I have a question for those of you that have early Trem-O-Verbs...

What serial numbers are they and what year?




Jong, is there a difference in sound from the head to the combo? I mean enough difference to justify having both a head and a combo?

Why do I ask?? I've been throwing around the idea of getting the combo but don't know if that would be crazy to have 2 versions of the same amp.

I've got a Rectoverb which is kind of close (can come pretty close) and I've even ordered a 2x12 combo cab for it to put the chassis in to make it a 2x12 combo, but I'd trade it for a Tremoverb in a heart beat... But like mentioned above, is it crazy to have 2 Tremoverbs? Heck, is it crazy to have two Rectifiers?
thanks jong looks like mine will be early 94 then! *happy*.

can't fucking wait till it gets here
First off, I converted my combo to a head about 5 years ago. The combo is too effin' heavy. Ridiculous. So basically I have two heads now - and yes, they sound different. Could be tubes, I'm not sure. I have one that I prefer, but it isn't like the other is bad. I prefer the one I've had longer, so it might just be a familiarity thing. But I doubt it is because one started life in a different cabinet than the other. Now, I compare them using the same 4x12, so its apples to apples to me.

The reason I bought the second one is twofold: I was looking for a backup, and it was local/priced right. My band recently broke up, so I expect to make the later one available for sale here in the near future.