What is happening to my Triple Rec?

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2009
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I figured i would post this here and see if anyone else has ever had this problem...ok lately my band hasnt been on a long tour b/c we are recording so we are playing alot of shows around our hometown doing the bar scene...well neways just about every night around the 3rd set (play 3...50 min sets with 10/15 mins between) my 2nd channel loses all its ***...COMPLETELY it sounds like there are 10 blankets in front of my cab....its driving me nuts and really pissing me off...b/c i havent completely started using my road king yet....and want this fixed...it has even started to happen part of the way through the 2nd set lately too....any ideas?
Same thing happens to my Maverick. There seems to be a consensus on this board that this can be a symptom of preamp tube failure. More specifically the "cathode follower" tube (whatever the hell that is). I'm waiting on a call back from Mesa.

It's curious because my manual has a whole page dedicated to the symptoms of preamp tube failure but they don't mention these symptoms - sudden severe volume drop.

I'll post any solution I find.
EXACTLY i have thought about teh tubes..however i read the thing like you did and it never said it would make it sound like that...and its crazy...if its just channel 2...it will be like 100 blankets infront of it....if im running 2 with an effect SOMETIMES it pushes the real sound out for like a 1/5 of the strike..but sounds horrible..hopefully just tubes...tell me what you hear and thanks everyone!