What have you been doing lately?

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Dec 15, 2022
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I know it's a new year and thought it may be nice to have a place to share what we've been doing. Maybe a trip to a concert or a family relaxing trip?

I've been keeping up with a family member and their house that is being built. In this house there will be a music room. How about you?
I’ve been working part time and taking care of my 90 year old mom… plus trying to get a new original metal band off the ground. Life’s been kinda busy to say the least…
I have not fired up any of my Boogies in 7 years, since I moved from Chicago to San Juan, PR. Terribly sad about it but the music scene here is very different
Hey all! What's up? In this corner of the world, I'm trying to release my band's debut album, recorded with beloved TriAxis... as soon as it's out, I'll share it with you folks!.
I'm working towards a career pivot/redefine (after over a decade in service/coffee/hospitality industry), while also trying to keep my finger on the creative pulses (so far, some modest home recordings/demos, one of which got to a point of completion that was satisfactory to me—b.k.wala - THINK TOO MUCH—as well as embarking on some brand redesign exploration).

Studying for a Google Project Management certificate at the moment, and researching areas of interest for once I've completed the coursework. Likely looking to work in a creative industry.

Downsized my beloved MKIII in support of a move across the country last year (fortunately, I sold it to a friend, so it's still "in the family"). Haven't had too many opportunities to play through an amp since moving—though I was jamming with a couple local musicians here in Savannah, GA, a couple months ago and got to plug into some SERIOUS vintage tube wattage, which was a ton of fun (who knew how much of a difference all that moving air can make!). Unfortunately, one of them moved away shortly after we started.
I’ve been working part time and taking care of my 90 year old mom… plus trying to get a new original metal band off the ground. Life’s been kinda busy to say the least…

Good luck on getting the band established. And it's very good to take care of your 90 year old mom.
I've settled on a guitar rack based on an A/DA MP-1 preamp, Mesa Fifty/Fifty power amp, A/DA Depot Monstercab load box / speaker simulator, and Alesis Quadraverb for effects. I've also switched to recording on tape. Yamaha MT4X (and soon Fostex A8) for tracking, and Tascam 122 for mixing down to. Between using type II cassettes and using the Yamaha and Tascam decks' high speed settings, the sound quality is surprisingly clear and detailed, but not soulless digital perfection. With this, I'm recording pure analog music - from when the note sounds to when it's laid down on the master, only becoming digital for digital formats. Right now, my music is minimal and synth-driven. The Longest Day / Like The Cool Kids Do, by Vestigial Systems

I answered an originals band's ad in an FB group for the DC area goth/industrial scene looking for a bassist. The band is still trying to determine their sound, currently somewhere between ethereal wave and gothic metal. If our sound turns out to be more stripped-down, I might be able to produce for the band. I'm worried even the eight tracks on the Fostex won't be enough for the layered sound the band's current direction demands, and I refuse to work ITB - I hate the screen-and-mouse workflow.
I’ve been working part time and taking care of my 90 year old mom… plus trying to get a new original metal band off the ground. Life’s been kinda busy to say the least…
I know it's a new year and thought it may be nice to have a place to share what we've been doing. Maybe a trip to a concert or a family relaxing trip?

I've been keeping up with a family member and their house that is being built. In this house there will be a music room. How about you?
Well let’s see here I play in the Black Sabbath tribute band Symptom of the Universe based in Nashville Tennessee. And besides raising my teenager I work for Gibson guitar where I have been at for over 26 years. I love my DR but I am saving everything I can to buy a Mark V 90 head. Got to play one for a week and I’d love to add it to my other boogies. Besides my dual rec I have a 112 DC2 combo amp. Which has turned into the best practice amp I have ever owned.
Well let’s see here I play in the Black Sabbath tribute band Symptom of the Universe based in Nashville Tennessee. And besides raising my teenager I work for Gibson guitar where I have been at for over 26 years. I love my DR but I am saving everything I can to buy a Mark V 90 head. Got to play one for a week and I’d love to add it to my other boogies. Besides my dual rec I have a 112 DC2 combo amp. Which has turned into the best practice amp I have ever owned.
No way! I’m in a Black Sabbath tribute Symptom of the Universe in St. Louis! What are the odds of that? Wow…
Long time no log in, but been busy working and watching after family members and jamming out when I could.
Well let’s see here I play in the Black Sabbath tribute band Symptom of the Universe based in Nashville Tennessee. And besides raising my teenager I work for Gibson guitar where I have been at for over 26 years. I love my DR but I am saving everything I can to buy a Mark V 90 head. Got to play one for a week and I’d love to add it to my other boogies. Besides my dual rec I have a 112 DC2 combo amp. Which has turned into the best practice amp I have ever owned.
and i just bought a Mark V two weeks ago! what a great amp!
I sold my Boogie guitar amps a few years back, so I haven't been on here in forever. I recently started playing bass, consequently, I now own a Mesa Subway TT-800 and a 15 inch Mesa bass cab.
I’ve been taking apart a few old tube stereo consoles to convert them to guitar amp. Some old solid state stereos I took apart for parts too, so I can mod the tube ones.

First one was a Sparton brand, with two single ended power amp channels (they are stereo, duh!) I kept one and built a JCM800 preamp for it. Sounds quite good with an overdrive in front and some bass cut, could use some tweaking.

The other is an Admiral brand, nicer starting point with the push pull EL84 power amp. For that one I cloned my Boogie Mk1 preamp, with some simplifications and alterations such as single input, lower coupling caps values to brigthen it up a bit etc. To my surprise, I won’t fully admit it but I think I like the tone better than my original lol Made a wooden head out of the stereo panels too, pretty rough looking, with mismatched shaft pot lengts and diameter, and mismatched knobs, since everything is salvaged from old stuff (except the coupling caps).

That’s what I’ve been up to lately, learning a lot in the process. If you google “converting sparton stereo console” or “converting admiral stereo console” you should see my threads on tgp.
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I’ve been learning and practicing my Lutherie skills. I’ve been doing my own (and others) setups forever, bridge replacements, tuner swaps etc, and wanted to dive in deeper. I’ve done 4 fret levels on electrics, two of those on set necks with new nuts, and one acoustic fret level with a new nut and saddle made from bone blanks.

I just recently did my first complete fretboard sand and refret on a bound neck, this was my best one yet and yielded some very low action with zero fret buzz. It was my first time and I had the frets so level at the install that it only took a couple of passes with 600 grit paper to touch them all, and required only light crowning. This was on my bandmate’s Les Paul studio, he says it’s the best that guitar ever played.

I want to do a few more fret levels to see if those results were luck or skill before I refret my Les Paul Traditional with SS fretwire.

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started a new job just before Christmas , other than that just trying to get my rig fully set up.

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