Wah with 2:90 and Triaxis

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Sep 26, 2006
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
Hello folks, I'm having noises using my wah with my current setup: 2:90 + Triaxis + G-Major. I'm fairly new to the Triaxis and 2:90, I was using a Mesa Stiletto Deuce head before and I never noticed any noises when using the wah. As with my Stiletto head or my previous amps, all my effects go in the fx loop and during my twenty-sumtin' playing years, I've always believed that the wah has to be in front of the amp, not in the fx loop section. So I put my wah in front of the Triaxis and 2:90. I get noises, bad enough to remove the wah from my setup. I'd like to have your feedbacks on this, maybe I'm wrong by putting the wah in front of the Triaxis/2:90. Anybody out there experienced the same with their setup?

Define "noises" please

It could be anything. Bad solder connection, bad cable, bad component. Once you start eliminating variables by testing out your equipment then you can start pointing fingers at certain items. Try your cables, wah, and guitar on another amp and see if you get the same result.
Thanks for your reply. I did try the wah in another amp, using the same cables, same setup and it was fine. I would describe the noise as a buzzing sound, getting worse when activating the wah. When I remove the wah, I use the same cables and it sounds just fine, no buzzing or anything. I doubt my cables aren't working properly. The buzzing is close to that "guitar close to a tv screen" noise. At this point, I'm pretty sure it's the way I set up my gear and it usually goes like this: guitar to volume pedal to wah to amp. I've been using this same setup for years without any troubles, but with the Triaxis and 2:90 I get the buzzing. I'll try other combinations, like the wah first and then the volume pedal. Thanks for the help anyway.
Sounds like an electrical grounding noise issue to me.

Is the wah running on batteries or AC? If AC, plug it into the same power strip/line conditioner as the rack gear. If it's plugged into another electrical circuit, that could explain the noise.
The wah is running on battery. Thanks for pointing that out though, it could have been my problem. Tonight I will try other combinations and I'll be back with answers.

Thanks for your input!
Well folks, no success... I tried putting the wah first, still get the buzzing. I will remove the wah from my gear for now, I can't have that buzzing sound when I'm on stage. I'll try other combinations later, in between gigs or when I'll have more time.

Thanks anyway for your help.
Do have a wall wart near the wah? Some wah's really pick up magnetic fields, especially AC hum / buzz. Try moving things around in your effects chain to change the distances between items.
No wall wart near the wah, thanks for pointing that out. I really don't understand, the wah always worked perfectly with other setups. I usually fix my problems but this one is one tough cookie to crack. Tried the wah in another amp, it was sounding fine. I think I will try it in my 2:90 directly, it's about the only thing I haven't tried.

Thanks for your help man.
I have the same issue with noise when my wah is on. When I used it infront of my Fender prosonic is was not as noisy but infront of my TA it is much noiser. More like a loud hiss type of sound.

Is that the noise you are having?


The buzz I have is more like when you stick your guitar in front of your tv screen, and it's getting worse when activating the wah. I mean, in a live situation when everyone is playing, I'm sure no one will hear the noise, but in between songs, when the singer tries to babble something to the audience, it will be noisy enough to annoy the audience. It annoys me anyway, enough to not use it at all. I will find time to check this out, I've been busy these past few weeks, I'm sure there is a way to hook this and not get the noise. Thanks for your input mate. I will be back with the answer.