turning gain way up on Roadster

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2006
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I have been trying different settings with my Roadster. I tried turning the gain on Channel 3 to 3:00 or more and found that I like it. I am not doing it for more gain, just more saturation. I have emg's which are a little sterile. I'm not doing any chugging palm muting so the bit of mushyness doesn't bother me.I also run it on Spongy and 50 watts so I can get the master volume up more.
Is it bad for the amp to have the gain up like that? I assume it will go through pre-amp tubes faster especially since I also use an OCD, but I don't care as long as I have a tone I am happy with. I just want to make sure I am not doing any damage to the head.

On the vintage channel, you can crank the gain all the way up and it'll still be fine. On the modern channel however, I wouldn't turn it up past 2:00, and even that would be high.
If you're pushing the master, running EMGs, AND running the gain that high, I'd be worried about ungodly feedback.

Not to mention way OVER saturated tone :wink:
You're rending your tone controls completely useless in this case but it won't hurt anything. If you like it then go for it.
You should be fine at lower volumes but as you drive the master it might bet a little muddy, like Ibanez and Platy said

I don't think you'll damage the amp. I thought I read in the Mesa manual that running the gain and treble higher would shorten the preamp tube life over time.
I'm just experiementing with different settings. I love the Roadster but I think it's the EMG's that I am not liking very much. I'm trying to give them a little character.
jhguitar1 said:
I'm just experiementing with different settings. I love the Roadster but I think it's the EMG's that I am not liking very much. I'm trying to give them a little character.

Use a hammer !!!!!!! :lol:

Emg's are great in the studio for being quiet but like you said they can sound a little sterile. There are tons of pickups out there, I would toy around and try some. I am really liking the Dimarzio Tone Zone (bridge) and the Dimarzio Air Norton (neck) combination, they have a nice hot wrap and have great output.

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