Tremoverb/Rectifier vintages: pointed knobs etc

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Aug 19, 2005
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Hey everyone. Long time Mesa freak (nothing else will do!) but I'm new here.

I used to have a tremoverb, it was a fairly late model. I'm looking at buying one again soon, and one of them that I've been looking at has pointed knobs. This leads me to believe that it is from 94 or earlier, am i correct?

What year were they introduced anyway? 93 or so?

I loved the sound of my old one (about a 99 I guess), but I hear the older ones sound even better. Is this true? What sonic differences can I expect upon its arrival?

Thanks in advance
I bought Tremoverb new in 1993 and the knobs were chrome metal, like the knobs on a Telecaster. Maybe it is a later model.
Not sure if its true (older are better than newer ones) but mine came with Telecaster knob but with a point not chicken Hiwatt type. Is that what you mean?

You use to "have" a Trem-o-verb" then want to get one again?

I always try an amp and say to myself "Its a keeper" and purchase and won't part with it.
the knobs are chrome but with slight points to indicate where they are set, as opposed to the dots of the later models.

When was yours made, RR?

I should have kept it in the first place, I know, but it was my first proper big amp and I wanted to experiment a little bit. I didn't think it was perfect for me when i had it, but my tastes have refined a bit since then and I'm not into stereotypical "metal" sounds as much.
neantir said:
the knobs are chrome but with slight points to indicate where they are set, as opposed to the dots of the later models.

When was yours made, RR?
'97[?], not really sure, later '90

neantir said:
I should have kept it in the first place, I know, but it was my first proper big amp and I wanted to experiment a little bit. I didn't think it was perfect for me when i had it, but my tastes have refined a bit since then and I'm not into stereotypical "metal" sounds as much.
Ironically I was looking for shread amp and Dual Rectifier or Trem-o-Verb was on my list. All my other amps were 70's / 80's classic / "hair band" rock type but I need a metal type amp.

Now here is what's ironic, when I got the Trem-o-verb I now use the Red Channel / Blues mode and tube rectifier most often because it sound similar to my friend pre-CBS twin (but midrangey and not as clean but pretty darn close) when I lay off the pre-amp gain and use the master. Made me appreciate vintage amp more.

Yes, it took me a while to familiarize myself with Trem-o-verb when I was raised on old Fender / Marshall and understant ToV's tone controls. BUt I sure love this amp.
Yeah the blues mode is really cool isnt it. I also love red to vintage mode, where both presence knobs are simultaneously active. There are some incredible sounds in this amp and I can't wait to get one again!

I played a rectoverb today and while the modern channel was devastating, the vintage channel didnt compare to how I remember the T-Verb... It sounded very muffled and dark. Soft as well.

Doesnt anybody know when they changed the knobs on the rectos???
This is my first post im new here, just found this site today. 17y/o Australian, Mesa's are really rare over here and you have to pay alot of money for them, i look on ebay and think how lucky americans are, how much do tremoverbs go for there?. I also own a tremoverb and to my understanding its a 1996 model however its a combo, exactly the same as the head jsut the face is reversed. It has crome knobs and a little triangular point i guess to show what number you have the nob set to. Is that what you mean by pointed nobs?????
....4 5
..3 .--. 6
2 :......>.7 .............<--------Kinda like that (a very poor atempt at drawing)
1..."--"...8 ...............etc. you get the point :wink:

Thats exactly what im talking about Michael. Thanks for that!

I think I've hooked up with an early 94 head... fingers crossed.

I'm from Sydney btw, how about you?

A local band called Cog uses the Tremoverb and are at least partly responsible for me wanting to get another one. Great band also IMO.
Yeah i'm pritty sure mine's a 1996 modle, i remeber the guy saying when i bought it, and mine has the pointed nobs, mabee all trem-o-verbs have them, and its the new rect-o-verbs that don't. You said you use to own one, did it have pointe nobs???

Nah, mine was a later version and had the round knobs. Perhaps a 99 or so head, all black... best looking amp I've owned, and the second best sounding one (after my mark IIC+).
I've had a chat to the importer of Mesa Boogie into Australia and he believes the Tremoverb was not a very good amp as compaired to the RV or Duel Rec.

I guess that is his opinion but I would really love to play through one. I've never seen one and have no idea how many were sold here but from all reviews they seem to be a great sounding amp.

Michael + neantir, May I ask where you bought your amps and how much you paid??

P.S. I was in Sydney Wed and yesterday. Great weather!!!! Not like here.

Hey Sanchez

I'm pretty surprised at the distributor's opinion regarding the TOV, the general consensus amongst all types of players seems to be that it was one of the best rectos made along with the very early duals. The blues mode is smooth as, and the reverb makes the modern channel sound incredible when you hit the "sweet spot" (about 1.5/10)

I bought my first one from Turramurra music secondhand. I payed... **** what was it... I think 2500 maybe? but it was part of a deal with a new cab as well.

I haven't seen many around... heard of maybe 4 or so over here. I'm getting another one from the USA, looks like.
I am a little skeptical about bringing in amps from the states unless you get from Mesa the correct transformer. I hear they are not cheap. About $600us. That is around $900aus.

I know of a second hand 2 channel 1997 model Duel Rec in Woolongong if you are interested. I was thinking of looking at it but there is no way i can get there so I'll pass it up.

Ummm i bought mine privatly from an amp collector belive it or not, he had a stack of amps all different makes, i herd of him through word of mouth and ask if i could play it, he agreed and told me he was sus a (at the time 16y/o) boy going into his room of rares, (wich were protectivly covered with blankets LOL) but yeah when he realised i was serious he said i wasn't goign to sell it but you younge, and you could benifit from it, so he sold it to me and said if i ever sell it i have to sell it back to him lol.

Canberra, what can i say apart from FIREWORKS AND PRO AUDIO! LOL Your lucky u can drive down the road and play on all different types, If i ever saw one in a guitar shop (i've never seen a mesa in a shop yet new or used) so yeah. I have spoken to the guys in pro audio over the phone order a few things up and i got an "ooooooowww yeah the old tremoverbs, geezs havn't seen one in a while," as u said peoples oppions are different, and personally i allwasy thought the 3 chennel tripple recto would leave this for dead untill i found this forum a few days ago, and 8-9 times out of 10 ive herd people praising them over the other mesa modles. Also if he basiclly tells you there no good buy a recto thats money in his pocket ;) if he says yeah there awsome you will go off in search for one, and once you do you will be hooked. The rectos are only 50w to i think to they have 2 speakers in teh combo??? ne way i paid around
$2700 for my combo
and i payed $1800 for my recto quadbox (as new, even smelled new)
I actully found the quad on ebay and noticed it was within 4hours driving distance so at that time i was on my L's and i said "mum dad" i need a loan oh and BTW can we drive 4hour up the road. LOL

Basiclly if your intrested in the tremoverb or even jsut curious play it foryourself befor you let a """SALES PERSON""" sway your oppinion.
As for importing from america i also realised i coudl import a tripple rect (thats what i wanted at the time), buy a plug in transformer and still save 1000's but....... i decided not to and went about it this way. The best advice i can give u is look on ebay, i mean i woudlnt' wanna send $2500+ to someone you dont' know or even played there amp so use ebay as a seaching directory and see if there loacation is in driving distance. As for tremo's ive never really seen one on ebay, so you'll just have to find some one, just make a post and see what response you get.
(sorry guys for the long reply)
Just offering my (non bias as i origionall wanted a tripple recto) oppion so that your not put of my a sales person.

Hope that helps.

The discussion about the knobs in this thread is backwards from what I have heard in the past and what I am seeing on mine.
Had a chance to open my Tremoverb head up last night and found a date of 11/98 inside. Mine has the knobs with the little pointer on them and I believe they are the knobs that appeared on Tremoverbs in the later years of production. Not sure when they switched, but maybe '97 to when they stopped making them they have the pointer.

Earlier 90s Rectifiers have completely round knobs with an engraved dot to show its position. At least this is why I understood from reading other threads in the past. I am not an expert and have only owned this one Boogie.
Some of the 97s have points, some of them don't. But all of the really early ones that I have seen so far seem to have them afaik. confused!
somewhere on this board is a pic of John P's old rig. I just saw it a few days ago here, but couldnt find it again.

In that pic, his knobs have the points to them.

Looked funny to me because I'd never noticed them before.
My Tremoverb is from August 1994 and has the round knobs with the recessed dot:


It's been away getting repaired but I should have it back anyday now!

Then you'll sell it to me? Wow thanks man ;>

anyway... there goes the theory regarding the knobs reflecting what year the trems were made. Oh well!

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