Tone, pedalboard chain order, and noise. With PIC

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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2007
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Here is a pic of my pedalboard (not including the Digitech EX-7 and Volume pedal.) I use a Rectoverb Head and two Recto 2X12's (I sold my Dual, and I don't use the MArk IV with the pedal board.).
when my rig is plugged in it sounds like Niagara falls when I'm not playing. Not real bad, but I'd like to reduce that. All my cables are high end Mogami's and planet waves. Now, with the addition of the Ex-7, the noise is even worse.
Does anybody have any suggestions on chain order, and noise reduction? would A/B/Y 'ing it help?
I'd hate to have get a noise supressor because of the tone loss factor. Also, I got away from rack stuff, because I hat midi. If you've got pics of your pedalboard with the A/B/Y in the chain I'd love to see them, and hear how it works for you. I looked at all the pics of the rigs posted here, but I'd like to hear from people who use a similar setup to mine. I thought I saw a few.

I would actually just advise you to get a really good noise supressor anyway.

But you can buy some route switches and try to have as few pedals active as possible.

And of course buy pedals with true bypass, and get rid of the cheap behringer pedals.

And make sure you use a fully grounded power supply, and that the adapter or whatever you are using to power your pedals isn't crap.

And that you're not having power cables and instrument cables at the same place.

And face the fact that a mark IV is making a lot of noise. Reducing the Drive, treble or gain helps alot.
Ok the first thing to look at is your power supply! if you have several different Power supply units(P.U's) then try to do some little test:
1 plug you guitar directly into amp, swich to drive and turn your gain knob to 12. Is it noisy? If it is then check your guitar or amp.
If it's not, head to point 2
2 get some OD pedal, put it in front of your amp and use one of your PU's with it. find the ammount of gain, where noise is barelly hearable Let's declare that one as the quietest. Then try another one and if it's quieter than previous, then declare that one as the quietest... and so on
3 Now you have the quietest PU, go and get more of them:)

IF you have some daisy chained PU, throw it away and go find Pu with really separated power lines(or make it yourself, it's not too hard, I did one for me and one for my bass player, it took about a day and some beer to make two of them).

Humming may come from poor cables, or from a big generator near you:)))

for now I don't have my DR, so I have to play only with my stompboxes, and I have allmost no hum or noise and I'll be glad to help you:)

I prefer tuner to be the first in chain,then some wah, then comp, then OD. and if you really care about tone sucking try another tuner, like Korg or Ibanez(they have some new tuner with true bypass, I'm gonna get it tomorrow, if you're interested, I'll let you know about it).

That's my current chain(in front) and in the back is my Bass player chain, allmost no humm:) don't mind noise suppressor in my chain it's turned off all the time:)
I had a morley wah that was annoyingly noisy.

Have you tried removing one pedal from the chain at a time and seeing if any single pedal is the culprit?

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