Thinking about coming back to a Mark V

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Aug 19, 2008
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I had one for a few months about a year back and lately I've been thinkng about coming back to the Mark V. What has me seriously considering the MKV again is the 10/45/90 watt selection on each channel that can be adjusted for appropriate sized clubs/venues. My primary amp for the past few years has been a Soldano SLO which sounds best with the master volume above 4... way too loud for any place I 'm playing! While I know that the SLO and Mark V are completely different animals I'm well aware that with PA Technology a 100 watt head that has to be cranked open is just not practical anymore where stage volume needs to be under control! What are your takes or opinions on this?

For reference I play all styles from Red Dirt Country to Blues to Classic Rock to a bit of Hard Rock!
I think the wattage choices of the V are an excellent feature, and am always able to set my V at good stage level volumes for each channel regardless of size of venue. In general, I find the great tonal flexibility and overall versatility of the V to be very hard to beat for live applications!

Go for it!! :mrgreen:
I think the MV handles that aspect well. You are essentially sautéing one tube or two vs all four power tubes and can achieve some really cool sounds at a lower volume which helps the pa situation. 10 watts still gets loud. It sounds a little different than 90 watts, but there is alot to like.
Yup, agreed with all previous posts, go for it. All you have to do is tweak the knobs to your liking, keep the set up simple, and you'll get great tone out of the V.
gmcelroy said:
master volume above 4... way too loud for any place I 'm playing!

I play all styles from Red Dirt Country to Blues to Classic Rock to a bit of Hard Rock!

I play hardrock as well and recently (I am getting old) mostly on living room levels(with occasional church gigs).Also mostly on 90 W setting.The master volume is working perfect on Mark V and as long as your speakers are made for it you WILL have great results.

Go for it
