Thinking about a two amp setup along with my 3 ch. recto?

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Jan 25, 2006
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Im looking for a good head to run alongside my recto. Alot of people use rectos as their base, but use other heads to round out their tone. I was wondering if anyone had experience with this and what kind of heads they roccomend. I was thinking ideally something with el34s with a british voicing or something with a really nice crunch.

Here are some heads I had in mind but im open to any and all suggestions.

Carvin Legacy
Roccaforte HG100
Splawn pro stock
Diezel Einstien
Marshall superlead/superbass pre-1974
marshall jmp

If anyone has experience with these heads I would love to hear your opinions and even better yet if anyone has experience with running a two or more amp setup along with a recto Id really appreciate it.
Checking out the orange webiste now. more interested in the 140w version though as I think it would be a better match for my 100w recto. kinda hard to read up on em atm since harmony-central is down, but its definitely on my list to check out.

Also forgot to mention on my list, the mark series amps, f100, and stiletto
You're obviously a Boogie fan, I'd go with the Mark series. The smooth gain and slick clean would be a good complement to the raw, loose sounds of the Rectifier.

I'm looking into adding some Recto sounds to my Mark IIc setup.
I'd go with the Road King where you can mix tube combinations for different tones?? You can run 6L6's and EL34's at the same time. :wink: .

If you're still thinking about the 2 amp thing, How about a 5150? Great amp, the JSX and XXX are pretty good too. I'd love to have a 5150 combo (and probably will some day).
add one more vote for Orange.

awsome amps.

and subtract one vote from just getting another Mesa.

If you want another Mesa just to have another Mesa, then so be it!
(nothing wrong with that, I have more than 1) but if youre looking for something in a completely different direction from your Recto, then Id just stear clear from other Mesas period. If you had to stick with Mesa for tonal variation then Id go with a Mark series.

I have an F series and A recto rig, I cant see any purpose at all of running them at the same time. They are different, but not enough to where anybody listening would know.
-1 on the two amp set-up to "round out" a tone. If you have a Dual check out some integrated quads in your power section!
Im not looking for a differently voiced recto here. I love it the way it is. Im inspired by many guitarists(mainly adam jones) who combine amplifiers to achieve a very powerful wall-of-sound tone, so reccomending me different tubes wont really get me to what im looking for.
thecalmingapple said:
Im not looking for a differently voiced recto here. I love it the way it is. Im inspired by many guitarists(mainly adam jones) who combine amplifiers to achieve a very powerful wall-of-sound tone quote]

if you are refering to recorded tone, then forget about it.
Half the things that band has done in studio just really cant be replicated live, at least not on a practical level.

Otherwise, Id say just sell your recto and buy a VHT.
Makes more sense than buying another amp.
im actually referencing his live tone as well. I absolutely love his live tone too. Why do you reccomend a vht for me, and what series? cl? pitbull?

And any other reccomendations are welcome.
I've used multiple amp set-ups for years.... From 3 - 4 amps. I'm currently using 3 amps live..... so I feel ya....

First things, first:

Don't be afraid of the Orange AD30 because of it's wattage... remember... "Watts" can be misleading. I've got a 33 Watt TopHat King Royale that will kill any Mesa I own volume-wise (and I own SEVERAL).

I've mixed the AD30 with my Dual Recto for a "rounded" sound before with great results... and it's LOUD. Trust me.

Second - some SERIOUS things to consider:

Do you want to run each amp into it's own cab, and have the sound guy mix you? Two mics.

Do you want to run each head into the same cab at 8ohms and "split" the 4X12 into stereo - like a 1960A? Two mics.

If you want the MOST - "doesn't-sound-like-a-recto" amp to mix (a'la Adam Jones does).... You need something designed differently. He's currently using a Dual Recto, a Marshall Superbass and a Diezel VH4... All running at the same time into their own cabs.

Here's some ideas:

  • TopHat Emplexador - Can nail EVERY vintage Marshall around - but BETTER!! Amazing amp.

    Soldano Hot Rod 50

    Orange Rockerverb

    Bogner Uberschall (Tremonti mixes this in with his Triple Rectos to get his tone).

    Marshall Super Bass (with master volume - a.k.a Super Lead).
:idea: 1.You know tone my friend. 2."Bogner Uberschall" ............perfect, i use this combo with a herbert channel 2 or xtc 2 normal not plexi. :)
I've mixed a Rectifier with a 25w Rivera Pubster (EL84)....sounds kinda cool. I also recommend a Vox AC30.

Wattage isn't all that important if the second amp will be mic'd.....and a british sounding amp with the mids dimed will compete quite well with a slightly scooped Rectifier.
I agree with a nice EL84 amp (Like the Orange)....

But I wouldn't recommened a Vox AC30. It needs to be too loud to "break up" and wouldn't mix well with a Recto looking to get "BIGGER".... as it would add too much bell-like-chimey cleans to the mix...

Now... having said that... It IS one of the best clean amps in the world! Absolutely amazing!!
nocluejimbo said:
You're obviously a Boogie fan, I'd go with the Mark series. The smooth gain and slick clean would be a good complement to the raw, loose sounds of the Rectifier.

I'm looking into adding some Recto sounds to my Mark IIc setup.

This is what im doing. April 2nd i get my Mark 4, I cant wait.

I also thought about the Diezel Herbert - didnt want to spend that much on a touring head, And some marshall's, but what i tried out i didnt like.

I eventually plan on picking up a hughes and Kettner Triamp though, that amp is amazing.

Also - lookslikemeband

How did you split the signal, and did you worry about switching the amps channels? Id love to get a basic rundown of your setup live, and how you move three amps around, deal with setup time, etc?

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