T.C. Electronic Chorus was making NOISE!!

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2009
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I've had noise issues since day one with my Lonestar and little by little I've been whittling them down. Yesterday I did some intense troubleshooting with my pedalboard and found out that with my TC Chorus in front of the amp and the amp on channel 2 (gain on) it was producing a loud hum. I moved the chorus to the FX loop and it killed it. I had the pedal out in front because it was clipping really badly in the FX loop (the overload light kept flashing on the pedal). Obviously, once again, it's still doing it, but hopefully I'm not damaging the pedal and I'll have to live with it. I'm actually thinking of replacing the TC with something else. On that note...

What would you guys recommend as a good replacement for that 80's style Andy Summers/Allan Holdsworth/Alex Lifeson/Eric Johnson style chorus? One thing I don't like about the TC is that adds a lot of high end shrill. I want something with no boost on the high frequencies.
hmm...my bonehead actually tried playing the chorus with the compressor on and it tamed the high end! the beginning of notes were popping a little so i may have to make some adjustments, but maybe that's all i really need to do is use the compressor. the only thing that sucks about that is more tap dancing when switching from chorusy delayed chords to dry distorted stuff
It shouldn't hum in front or in the loop, may be a low level background swirling hiss when the note fades due to the modulation of the chorus. My chorus pedal search ended when I got the retro-sonic vibrato/chorus. It's a Roland CE-1 clone so it nailed the late '70s early 80's stuffs, very warm sounding.

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