Swapping F rev for D rev?

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
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Hi guys.I own F revision head I`m completely satisfied with my tone.But I found that other guy who lives near by me is selling D revision head nearly for the same money what I bought mine.I don`t have enough money to buy another head so only way how to do it is borrow some money buy it and after that sell mine.I know everything about pre-500 heads and I realy want to have one of them.I just would like to hear opinion of others.Anyway I`m going to check it out first.Thanx.

Can you tell me somebody how big diference is between C and D rev?
I always felt the F's I played were a happy medium between C and D. I'd put the 2 side by side and then compare same guitar, tubes, and cab and go let your ears decide. The D down the road will probably hold it's value a little better than the F. Something else to consider.
I've only played through a rev C and a few rev F's. I would definitely prefer to have the rev C, but I wouldn't cough up much more money for one because I'm absolutely happy with my rev F. But if you can sell your rev F for the same amount the rev D costs, then...

I've never played a rev D, but I've heard that the rev C makes the best lead recto, while the rev D makes the best rhythm. The rev F is supposedly the compromise between the two. I'm still waiting for Elpelotero to share his findings with his new rev E. (By the way, his website is The Boogie Archives).
Thanx guys for your reactions.I`m going to check it out thursday night so I`ll let my ears to make result.If it`s F rev something between C ad D rev as you said I should by happy with my amp.May be I will find that only that pre-500 "magic number" does push me to have something extraordinary what without qestion everyone early MESA is..... :wink: Cheers

I`ll let you know.
F will have much better cleans than a C or D. It will also be a bit darker. Let us know if you find these results to be true or if you find something different.
Hey guys.So I`ve spent 2 hours of testing these amps tonight.Who said that F rev is somewhere between C and D was propable right.I`ve played both amps on same settings same tubes,guitar,cabinet as well.With a clear conscience I can say my recto has played louder thicker it produce more low end as well.It sounds little bit darker that`s right but tight as **** compare to his recto witch sounds quite difrenly I mean like less liquid to my ears.Because I had little time I didn`t check cleans.

However I`ll make more detailed review of both amps soon...