Roadster/Gmajor 2 Help

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Mar 26, 2010
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Hi all,I just bought a Roadster combo and a G Major 2 and need some help.
First of all I think I have everything hooked up right,I just wanna verify a few things.
So here are my concerns:
1.What should my input/output levels be on the front of the G Major 2(right now they are at input 50%,output 100%)
2.I have my send level maxed out in the back of the Roadster,is this correct?
3.My input meters on the Gmajor are fine for roadster channel 1 and 2,but on 3 and 4 they barely make the meters move.
4. I'm not getting a lot of gain or volume out of channels 3 and 4 with the g major 2 hooked up unless i almost max out the master volume for those channels.
5.The FX loop on my mesa foot controller does nothing,the effects stay on whether the button is pressed or not.
I guess to make a long story short my roadster kicks *** by itself,everything works properly,the gmajor 2 kicks *** on channel 1 and 2 only,3 and 4 are wimpy,not enough of the mesa sound coming through. To add to all of this I have a ground control pro and a tube screamer coming in the mail any day now,and I want to add a banshee 2 talk box into the effects loop. I have 3 guitars with EMG-81's if that helps. Luke you're our only hope!!! PS I wouldnt be mad at anyone if they had any idea how to hook all that up:)
Two things:

The FX switch on the footswitch doesn't work because you can the FX loop switched in permanently on the back (small switches per channel). Put those to off, and then you can switch it manually with the footswitch.

I wouldn't max the send level. I'd keep it neutral (around noon). The level of each channel at the loop is also governed by each channel master. You'll need to balance with those. That should fix the tonal problems your having with those channels aswell.

Thanks,that was exactly what I needed to do,now all i have to do is get the talk box in the loop:)

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