Rectifier & JVM ... lead tone question (sorry)

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
Shropshire, UK
Greetings, apologies in advance as this is another 'Rectifier lead tone' post.

I am fortunate enough to own a Roadking II & Marshall JVM and I am in a gigging covers rock band.

My main mesa sound in CH3 Vintage, EL34, Bold, Diode, 2x12 rect cab + 2x12 rect cab with Celestion CL80's, Keeley TS9

Settings (o'clock)
Gain 11
Treble 1
Middle 12
Bass 12
Pres 9.30
Vol 11
TS9 Level full

I love using this for 80% of my Rhythm playing and it blows me away...except for me and my style it sucks when I do any lead breaks. Feels stiff, too tight & physically hard to play on the strings?

I know the whole Mesa / Marshall comparison is the 'Apples & Oranges' discussion that seems common but the JVM lead department blows me away using OD1/OD2. Notes are harmonically rich and seem to jump out, moving around the fretboard is effortless.

How can I get closer to this lead tone? (so i can die a happy man)

BB Preamp?
Eq Pedal?
Change setting?
Stop moaning and use the JVM!?

Thank in advance
This is a trick question, because as for the options you listed, it's all of the above. But to be honest the last choice is the only correct one. Rectos are not meant for smooth leads.
Thanks, I knew that may have been the most realistic answer... Can't have it all I suppose!

Perhaps I will just have to try a mark V ! Lol
Elpelotero said:
Rectos are not meant for smooth leads.


I finally got my fx loop fixed and have a delay pedal in there. With the pedal off, I have a very smooth/liquid lead tone. Once I turn it on, it gets even better. I have the delay set to only be noticeable when is top playing and not be that distinctive while im playing.

So my advice is to enable your loop, use a good delay, and maybe turn your mids up to 1:00.

A boost in front will help too.
So my advice is to enable your loop, use a good delay

Thanks Jerrick, I've ordered an Eventide Timefactor.... not really into fx though

Sounds like you keep the delay mix low, how do you set your feedback, time etc..? short or long delay
Hi there,

A topic of recent discussion. Several days old. A lot of suggestions but still trying for a satisfactory solution, though. Here's the link....

Yeah, did have a look before I posted this.

Didnt think it came to any conclusion, I get the feeling these type of posts are never concluded as its all so very subjective, peoples
sounds, ideas, experience & descriptions are so different.... suppose be boring otherwise!
Moby1 said:
So my advice is to enable your loop, use a good delay

Thanks Jerrick, I've ordered an Eventide Timefactor.... not really into fx though

Sounds like you keep the delay mix low, how do you set your feedback, time etc..? short or long delay

Yeah, im not into them much either, just a delay and im happy with that.

I have the feedback set pretty low too. It delays out about 6 times, and by then its very quiet. For time, my pedal doesnt tell me the ms or anything, its just a knob with 1-10, and a short, medium, and long switch. But quarter notes around 100-110bpm would be very close.

Goodluck with getting a good lead tone.
Yeah thanks Jerrick, sure i'll find my holy grail of sound soon...thats what I keep telling myself

After years of searching I love the roadking & JVM... have to start using them together! sure my band mates will appreciate that next time
we're playing a pokey little club :lol:
I thought the same thing the first month or so of getting a dual rec. I was like this thing is great for rhythm but its so stiff and dry for leads. Then the thing I realized about this particular amp is that it is for the most part it's pretty bare bones. Not that it's cheap or anything it's just that most amps come with at the minimum reverb for some sort of bells and whistles added to it. As you have mentioned, a delay pedal I think will get you closer to what you're looking for. I could consider a reverb pedal and an EQ through the loop. Possibly a higher gain setting with a noise gate in front of the amp would help. Also, try going from bold to spongy. This is a clip of my solo channel...the sound quality may not be the greatest but, as you can see it's plenty smooth...even for a recto.

Here's my settings and what I use:

Presence: 9:00
Bass: 10:00
Mid : 12:00
Treb: 1:30
Gain : 3:00 - 3:30
Master : 12:00

Effects in the front: ISP Decimater, Planet Waves tuner Through the loop: MXR 10 band EQ, Holy Grail Reverb, BOSS DD-3
bro, i get a killer lead and rhythm tone ,with my roadster ,i use a boss gt 8 via the 4 cable method, just some delay ,chorus for rhythm and a little heavier delay for leads . had marshalls for years ,and now my mesa and les paul are goin in my coffin when i go, the best amp in the world!!!!!!

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