Rackmount EQ with Dual Rectifier

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Feb 7, 2005
Reaction score
Cherry Hill, NJ
If this belongs in rack section please move. Does anyone use a rack EQ on their Rectifier? Will this change the tightness etc of the amp head distortion? I dont have one so i have absolutely no idea. Thanks.
chuck said:
If this belongs in rack section please move. Does anyone use a rack EQ on their Rectifier?

I use a Furman PQ-3 parametric EQ.

Will this change the tightness etc of the amp head distortion?

It can. It all depends on how you use it.

Check out this thread :arrow: http://www.grailtone.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=117

P.S. - For an EQ to work correctly, you need to run your amp at 100% wet.
well that sucks that I can't use my carl martin parametric eq pedal in the effect loop since my rectoverb's loop is parallel.

What was the drastic change from taking the eq from the front of the amp to the loop? I'm guessing that its going to be doing a lot moretweaking to your distortion in the loop rather then thefront of the amp.

I might just have to mod my damp loop anyways :evil:
StrykeBack said:
What was the drastic change from taking the eq from the front of the amp to the loop? I'm guessing that its going to be doing a lot moretweaking to your distortion in the loop rather then thefront of the amp.

I found that when I'm going to do alot of cutting (ie, when scooping) I get much better results by turning the amps mids up reasonably high (6-7), then use the EQ in the loop to scoop....that way, you got the benifits of scooping (tighter rhythm with a less harsh pick attack), but without the tone killing concequences of turning down the mid knob on the amp.
Well then it looks like I'l have to mod my parallel loop to serial then.

I probably already asked this but is there any upside to it having been parallel other then being able to blend the signal? I shouldn't loose any quality or fidelity going to serial right? Mesa's tech said that if the pedals had sucked tone before, then having them in a serial loop wouldn't change that since the signal is always going through it.