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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2007
Reaction score
Tempe, AZ
I hope everyone has a sense of humour and I don't get flamed for this..


Proof that owning a Mesa attracts pussy :p (aww come on you know i'm talking about a pussy cat)
THAT IS HILARIOUS!!!!!! I'm proud of you. :D

I'd be worried about the china cabinet being in such close proximity of the Mesa though... Hahaha...
Actually that's my grandpa's house, I just had my gear over there after a show and took a pic of my recto, that was right after I got a matching cab. My gear stays in a rehearsel space most of the time and it's sound treated.
Nice picture, i like cats! but no need to say that your cat is gonna get away quickly right when you gonna start to play with the beast. :lol:
MetalHorse442 said:
Proof that owning a Mesa attracts pussy :p

FINALLY someone is man enough to admit why we all bought a Mesa :lol:

As an added bonus, I'll bet that rig will rip the fur right off :shock:
hehe, actually I was recording with my triple and I was at a friends house and I cranked it up a bit to record, and his dog was so scared it crapped on the floor and hid. It was a great dane. Got power?
Most animals get extremely confused by very loud amps. I remember one time I was jamming in my basement with my RK hooked up to a 4x12 and a 2x12 and I had it cranked loud enough that hitting a low chord would cause the entire house to reverberate for a second or two after muting it. Anyway, I was using a super long patch chord, and I was playing whilst standing outside on my patio, I was just chugging along to some metal stuff, and my cat was running around trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. She kept looking behind her or into the sky with this horrified look on her face, and finally she just booked it into the backyard and up a tree. It was pretty funny to watch.

Also, if the cat is in the room, and you slap a clean chord real quick and loud, just watch how fucking high they jump in the air :lol:
One of my cats runs away when I flick the power switch. That *clack* sound is all she needs and she's at the other end of the apartment.
heh, my cat runs out of my bedroom as soon as I pick up my guitar. I've never seen so much fear in an animal. He even does it when I grab my Taylor Acoustic!! (its almost offending.)
My cocker spaniel (R.I.P. :( ) used to lay in the basement with me while I played. I think she was deaf. lol. She would actually follow me into the basement when I would go down there. She used to love laying in my open guitar case. I have a picture of it somewhere at home (at work right now). I'll try to find it and post it.

Now, I wasn't playing at super loud volumes, but my 4x12 was still moving some pretty serious air. lol.
My cat always joins me in the studio. She's been doing it for about 10 years now. She has a perch / bed on top of a P.A. speaker cab that she's learned will keep her out of the line of fire.

She's a good warning system. When she heads for the door I know it's time to either insert the earplugs or turn the volume down.

my buddy's cat LOVES it when we jam
we use an empty bedroom in the basement, a drum machine/pa, jay with his JSX 212, me with my TR and 412. We are LOUD (loud enough that the neighbours moved out a month after moving into a $300k house on the river, with a dock). he lays on a cot on the floor (or in Jay's HSC) and chills with us.
of course, i DID step on his head going down the stairs once, and he's been slightly....different, since then lol (hes fine tho, and still loves me. hes just kinda insane)

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