Preamp question

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Mar 10, 2007
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Hi All,

I am a Marshall owner looking to convert to Mesa. I am looking for a tone similar to John Petrucci, but because I already have a Marshall valve stack, I am looking for a preamp that I can run into the Marshall (as a slave). I am thinking a Studio preamp would probably be the best bet, but does anyone have any suggestions (I am also curious as to the V-twin and rack mounted Rectifier)? The studios are getting hard to find, and because I'm in Australia it is hard to get anyone to ship here!

If anyone has any ideas what I should be looking for, or has one they wish to sell, please let me know!

Thanks guys,

I'd be more than happy to look at a quad, but it would depend on the price. I thought they would be even harder to get than a Studio!


I would consider a Triaxis, but it's probably a bit out of my price range. I'm also probably looking at more a Mark series tone than rectifier as well.


My bad, I thought they were a rectifier type tone. But like I said, they are probably a bit out of my price range compared to a studio or quad. No one knows of anyone selling one of these?


i agree that you should probably consider the triaxis if can click on the myspace link below in my signature and listen to the tune called "itchy trigger"'s me and a friend of mine....but i used the lead 2 green mode on the triaxis (this mode is taken directly from the mark 4 circuit) example may not be as heavy as what Petrucci does but it certainly contains some of the that Mark 4 flavor and would give you an idea of what to expect. check it out and let me know if you like it.
Hi Mate,

That is exactly the type of rhythm tone I'm looking for, crunchy, defined, but not fizzy. With a slight boost for a lead tone that'd be perfect. By the way, I love that riff, awesome!

How much could I expect to pay for a triaxis? I still lean towards the quad or studio, but if a triaxis is in reach, I'd be up for it.


1000 USD used is about average for one just have a look on ebay. Sometimes the sellers are from Aus and sometimes people will ship worldwide. If you can't afford it now you are better off saving and then buying one when it is better for you. Just make sure you don't go into debt for one.

G'day Mate,

Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely look on ebay. To buy one new here in Australia is around $4,000 - $5,000. That's why I thought they'd be out of reach.

Thanks again guys!


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