Omnisonic volume control for Mark V effects loop

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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2008
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Hi, sorry if this was already mentioned before or even something similar. I've been thinking of grabbing one of these volume boxes for the effects loop on the Mark V. I know, 10 watts would be fine and bedroom level works fine, but I like the ability of having my amp in either a 45 or 90 watt mode, but being able to blend more easily on stage with the band. Sometimes we are playing indoors, sometimes outdoors, the dynamics can change drastically based on the layout, people's bodies filled, as well being outdoors. The box might do me wonders to set my amp the way I like it, and use that FX volume box to control or tame it if need be.

Question here is has anyone had any success with it? Does it work ok with the Mark V loop? And lastly, the Mark V has a volume send control, would this be obsolete if I end up with a vol box for the entire loop?

Thanks, again and sorry if this topic was mentioned already.

I wouldn't waste cash on one of those boxes. They'll affect your tone. As you turn them down you'll find they bleed treble off. It's the same as when you turn the volume down on a guitar. You can never preserve the true tone even using a treble bleed capacitor.