NOS Tube review (Telefunken, RCA, Mullard)

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
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So. I got the following tubes within the last few days:

1 Pair RCA labeled (1976) Mullard Short-Plate ECC83
1 Pair RCA Short-Plate 12AX7A
1 Pair Telefunken Smooth-Plate ECC83

I had a Tung Sol reissue in V1. Swapped it for an RCA 12AX7A. I dig the RCA a bunch! It's not a night and day difference compared to the Tung Sol - but certainly more musical and open sounding. By comparison the Tung Sol had a stuffy bottom end. But BOTH of the RCA 12AX7A specimens I have are CRAZY microphonic! ****! Well. While I was lamenting about that - the doorbell rang. USPS...with my beautiful pair of Teles.

Swapped the RCA for one of these Telefunken beauties. THAT was night and day. Holy crap! Louder. More detailed. Much more harmonically rich. Totally open and airy. I'll never use anything else. If you have the chance to try a Telefunken ECC83 (Smooth-Plate) in V1 - take it. I didn't expect the difference that they produced. Freaking bitchin'. Made all 3 channels sing, man!

I've only tried the Mullards in V2. One sounds more 'dead' than the other. But both are better than the JJ ECC83S (high-gain) I had in there. JJs were dark and stuffy. Mullards are rich and bright. R2 is much more - dare I say - 'Marshally' now. Way cool.

Thanks for all the help fellas. I gotta get back to that's singing to a Siren...
Sorry to hear the RCA's are microphonic.But if you are using them in a high gain amp,such as a Mesa,dont assume they are useless.Sometimes tubes that are microphonic in a high gain circuit will work fine in a lower gain Fender type circuit.
I went to a buddy's house and tested all my NOS treasures tonight. EVERY SINGLE ONE tests naught for shorts and leaks and over 100% for life.


2 RFTs
2 Telefunkens
2 Mullards
2 RCAs

Zero shorts. Zero leaks. Literally off the chart for tube life.

Are there different grades of the Telefunken smooth plate tubes? I saw on Ebay that you can get a matched pair from $35 to $100. Why is that?
stokes said:
Sorry to hear the RCA's are microphonic.But if you are using them in a high gain amp,such as a Mesa,dont assume they are useless.Sometimes tubes that are microphonic in a high gain circuit will work fine in a lower gain Fender type circuit.
And if they don't work in that Fender circuit, don't throw the microphonic tubes away without trying them in the phase-inverter position (last little tube closest to the power tubes).

- T
jhguitar1 said:
Are there different grades of the Telefunken smooth plate tubes? I saw on Ebay that you can get a matched pair from $35 to $100. Why is that?

I'd like to know that as well. The Vintage/NOS tube bug has got me, and I'm looking to try some Telefunken, as well as Sylvania and others.

What should I look for in the Tele's?

Right now my preamp consists of:

V1=RFT 12AX7
V2=Mullard 12AX7
V3=GE Long Plate 12AX7
V4=Mullard CV4024 (12AT7WA)
V6=Mullard CV2024 (12AT7WA)

SED =C= 6L6 and JJ GZ34 rectifiers

I am loving this amp :twisted:

Telefunken made three versions of 12AX7 types:
ECC83 smooth-plate
ECC83 ribbed-plate
ECC803S frame-grid

There are "Telefunken"-branded tubes made by other manufacturers, there are Ei ECC83 that are based on the Telefunken smooth-plate design, and there are true Telefunkens, which may be in various stages of health/failure. True Telefunkens have a "diamond" shape embossed in the glass base disk, between the pins. There are a few other distinguishing characteristics, but that one basic guide will help you i.d. the real thing. People can determine different grades of anything, but I don't know of any consistent method of grading Telefunken smooth plates (unless you graded dead, microphonic, fully-functioning).

Having tried very many 12AX7 types, I'm not that enamored with Telefunken smooth-plates. They don't have the clarity of many other, much less expensive options. They do have unique upper mid emphasis, with highs that don't sound harsh, and they generally last a long time. Other than that, I'd say they don't have much benefit, except to the seller.

It is important that one make up one's own opinions, though, so... have at it! As long as you're having fun :)

- T
Welp. I got my Teles cheap. And they sound GREAT! And those who know me - know that I'm about the last person to fall for any hype or excitement.

Can't argue with the tone, though. It totally opened up all 3 channels. I was taken aback by the clarity. I played extended chords in full-bore lead mode and could hear every note as clear as an un muddied lake! Cleans? Oh man. Totally rounded out R1. Ballsy and thick and delicious. I can't get enough of this!

The bonus is - that I picked them up way cheap. Seriously. Here's what's in there for all you other Mk. III-sters!

V1 - Telefunken ECC83 Smooth Plate
V2 - Mullard ECC83 (short plate)
V3 - 9th Gen. Chinese
V4 - EMPTY (no reverb)
V5 - Sovtek 12AX7 LPS

2 x SED 6L6GC
2 x JJ KT77

I'll prolly fiddle a little bit more. Try those RCAs in other positions. But as it is now - shoot. You gotta come hear it! Between these tubes and the work MT did to it, it's certainly the ultimate Mk. III!
I've got several RCA gray plates and they seem a bit microphonic. Moving them down the chain away from V1 helped a lot. I have a Mullard CV4024 in the reverb slot of my MKIVa and the reverb is very nice now. I just got 5 NOS E.I. unused 12ax7's for $48. Can't wait to try those. Also have some Sylvania preamp tubes on the way. Thanks for your input camsna.
Well, didn't care for the EI's. They're okay but I like the Sylvania's and RCA's better. I found some pretty strong Sylvania's so I put them in V3 and V4 which control the reverb and it really seemed to help on my MKIVb. I'm quite happy with the reverb now. The amp has more gain than I know what to do with and just sounds awesome with a full board of NOS Sylvania's. So, I'm going to mix and match RCA's and Sylvania's and all this talk of Mullards has me wanting try one of those in V1 or V2. I'm pretty much done with tube hunting except for trying a Mullard. So, RCA's and Sylvania's in the preamp and STR450s's and STR454's in the power amp. Good to go! :D
This is what I tried and am F$%^ing so happy I listened to you about NOS tubes. I found a local guy with some slightly used RCA's and the Sylvania's. All the tubes tested very strong like they were new but they have almost 50 years of age in them. I got them all for like $55 so this was worth trying out. This is my lineup

RCA 12AX7a V1
Sylvania long plate V2
Sylvania long plate V3
Electro Harmonix V4 basically a rusian 2
balanced RCA 12AX7a V5

My dual rectifier opened up like a SOB, the mud went away, harmonics jump out at you and hits like a smooth sledge hammer. I have no need for the maxon 808 anymore. I am going to change out the V4 for a Sylvania long plate soon. This tube kicks some *** with metal music. I am keeping the original tubes in case I ever have to sell the amp. The NOS tubes will not be going with it. That's for sure. I had no idea how much the NOS preamp tubes change the sound for the better.

Does the mullard in V2 really kick that much major ***? I haven't had any luck finding one to try out.


shredd6 said:
Yea man.. A Mullard is definitely a must have for V2. You'll be surprised how adjustable your mids become. It's pretty crazy.

Sylvanias kick a lot of *** dude. I'm sure you are happy right about now. :twisted:
shredd6 said:
Yea, they really do. They open up the mids like no other, and they're clean and clear.

You can find Mullard ecc83s on ebay pretty easily.

You can't go wrong buying one.
I have quite different experiences with short-plate Mullard 12AX7A (I61 and I63 types). They sound quite congested to me. I'm comparing to '50s long-plate 12AX7s, though, such as Raytheon, Sylvania, Tung-Sol, Ken-Rad, and even the older Mullards.

The short-plate Philips 12AX7A style do have interesting harmonic overtones (or harmonic distortion). This includes Mullard, Siemens, Valvo, and Amperex (or Miniwatt). But I find them all less clear and clean than many of their predecessors.

Just another set of experiences to add to the pot. 8)

- Thom
Thank you shredd6. You are truly a gentleman. I noticed the preamp tube change, changed the sound way more than the power tube change. No fizz or mud. This was the only thing that would annoy me with the amp. Cranking the amp would get rid of most of it. The NOS preamps got rid of it period.

I left the original rectifiers in the DR. They don't do anything except give you sag in the power supply. I am hitting the electronic shows in my area in search of more of these babies while they are still around.

I also didn't want to mod my 2 ch DR. It isn't a f-ed up marshall. To me this would be a sin to do to any Mesa amp. It's like chopping up a perfectly good Ferrari to mod.


shredd6 said:
By the way, congratulations on your new found sound. There are a lot of people who think there are very little differences between preamp tubes. I always like reading about when someone takes the NOS plunge and is in total shock. I like reading the excitement.

Thanks for sharing your experience. These are usually my favorite kinds of posts to read.

Peace man.
Shredd6, I got my hands on some NOS RCA grey long plate's very cheap. $20 for two. Where in the pre-amp can I try these out? I think I saw you try this bad boy out in V3 in one of your posts. What about in V4?


shredd6 said:
By the way, congratulations on your new found sound. There are a lot of people who think there are very little differences between preamp tubes. I always like reading about when someone takes the NOS plunge and is in total shock. I like reading the excitement.

Thanks for sharing your experience. These are usually my favorite kinds of posts to read.

Peace man.

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