No Reverb on Roadster Combo

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2009
Reaction score
Guatemala. Central America
Hi guys... a few months ago when changing power tubes on my roadster combo, i decided to take it apart and clean the inside with compressed air, nothing fancy just to take away the dust...

When I put it together I forgot to connect the reverb tank, when i realized that it didnt matter at the time because i didnt use the reverb at all.

Yesterday i re-connected the reverb and i realized that it stopped working... after a few tries of re-connecting the reverb cables i manage to get some reverb, but not that luxurious reverb that it came with and besides that only in channel 2 has a little reverb.

I also try swapping the V4 tube but i had the same result...

Please help me guys, thanks
Had a similar issue with my Mark V. Cause for the loss of reverb (however it was there but very faint and did not matter how high the effect setting was set) may be related to the JFET that is used to attenuate it during channel switching. There is a timing circuit on the amp that regulates the fade in of the reverb. Since you used compressed air, did you open up the amp completely, remove the chassis? If so, check all of the ribbon cable connections and look for debris that may be on the PCB. May as well clean off the inside of the amp with air. It may be something simple (loose connection internal) or component failure. Just a few suggestions.

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