New amp, new member

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Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
Picked up a new\discontinued Lone Star at GC today. They were blowing them out and, being weak, I succumbed in a moment of light headed palpitation.

Been playing a long time (45 years) and have and have had LOTSA gear. This is my first Mesa Boogie product and I bought it on reputation alone. Haven't even fired 'er up yet, ain't worried though. I know she's gonna rip.

I'll search a bit through this forum for tips. Thanks for listening!
Greg said:
Picked up a new\discontinued Lone Star at GC today. They were blowing them out and, being weak, I succumbed in a moment of light headed palpitation.

Been playing a long time (45 years) and have and have had LOTSA gear. This is my first Mesa Boogie product and I bought it on reputation alone. Haven't even fired 'er up yet, ain't worried though. I know she's gonna rip.

I'll search a bit through this forum for tips. Thanks for listening!

Welcome aboard . Im sure you will love the LS . I dont think its instant gratification so I would suggest taking your time with it . I assure you the sweet spots are in there . Ive been playing 35 years so i guess we are from similar places . Hope you enjoy the amp .
Mesa makes the best amps on the planet and this forum rocks. There are a bunch of really helpful people here. Welcome to the club and enjoy your Lonestar. :D
You will love the LSC. play with the different sounds you can get out of chanel 1. amazing range of clean to semi distorted tones there.

have fun, and post to us what you think!

I have a LSC too, so if you have any questions I have spent the past month geeking out on this amp.
Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm on a couple of weeks disability and will spend a lot of time learning the ins and outs of this marvelous piece of gear. Today I explored Channel 1 cleans only, tone knobs, presence and reverb. Will gradually start dialing in the more raucous tones over the next few days. A boy shouldn't be allowed to have this much fun.

It may seem sacriligeous but one of the apps I'll be using my Lone Star for is jazz-style chord melody work, hence my interest in the cleans. My jazzbox sounds great through my DRRI but without a mid or presence I've always felt a touch limited. Been playing for a LONG time and can really hear subtle differences. Just from what I heard today the clean pallette available on the Lone Star has much more complexity than what I'm used to. I'm licking my chops at what can be accomplished here.
hi greg welcome you got yourself a nice amp i have a lss 2x12 and just love the sound like you i bought my first boogie june 06 and have been playing for about 45 yrs too. well i glad i'm not the only old fart on here :lol: no seriously there are a lot of good guys on here that really know their stuff on amps i have learned a lot since i joined last fall