My new Dual Rec R-001313

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2007
Reaction score
Statesboro, GA
I am the new proud owner of this fine amp. Chrome face and chrome chassis. I'll admit it's pretty dirty, but she plays beautifully. But the whole pre-500 myth is still confusing me. I'm pretty sure my amp is a revision F, but the tranny numbers are (I think) the same as the pre-500s. I read somewhere that the trannies aren't the only thing that changed between revision E and F, but it's still bugging me. Can someone explain exactly what is different about my amp compared to a pre-500? I've played my brother's old pre-500 next to a newer 3 channel, so I know the differences between those, but I haven't heard it in over a year now, and my amp just seems to satisfy me. I'm just confused and curious.

My tranny numbers are:



For some nice high-res pics, go here:
These where the trannies off myold R0394.

Anyway transformers read

So yes you have the pre trannies.

jtxdriggers said:
I am the new proud owner of this fine amp. Chrome face and chrome chassis. I'll admit it's pretty dirty, but she plays beautifully. But the whole pre-500 myth is still confusing me. I'm pretty sure my amp is a revision F, but the tranny numbers are (I think) the same as the pre-500s. I read somewhere that the trannies aren't the only thing that changed between revision E and F, but it's still bugging me. Can someone explain exactly what is different about my amp compared to a pre-500? I've played my brother's old pre-500 next to a newer 3 channel, so I know the differences between those, but I haven't heard it in over a year now, and my amp just seems to satisfy me. I'm just confused and curious.

My tranny numbers are:



For some nice high-res pics, go here:
From what I understand there are differences in the circuit board for each revision C, D, F, and G. The Pre500's have the RevC and RevD circuit boards. I *believe* (but could be wrong) that the only difference between your RevF and the pre500's is the circuit board (ie you have an attached power chord, small logo, etc). But in the end, if your happy with your sound, thats all that matters. Congrats on a great amp! :p
Actually his will have the attached power cord and small logo, only difference is a few board revisions, technically he could make his a C or D with a few minor changes.

Johnson said:
From what I understand there are differences in the circuit board for each revision C, D, F, and G. The Pre500's have the RevC and RevD circuit boards. I *believe* (but could be wrong) that the only difference between your RevF and the pre500's is the circuit board (ie you have an attached power chord, small logo, etc). But in the end, if your happy with your sound, thats all that matters. Congrats on a great amp! :p
Yeah you got my sloppy seconds LOL, that amp is special as it was made on my Bday in 1992, was hard to sell it, but in the end i liked my R0005 better so i kept that.

Johnson said:
siggy- those numbers look familiar! haha :p
OH crap, you were right, i just read what you wrote wrong.

PS Johnson, you might have to make a trip to alexandria, i have a voodoo modded three channel coming in.

Johnson said:
yup! Thats what a meant to say but maybe my ramblings were too unclear :lol:
Thanks guys. Even though I don't plan to mod my amp internally, I'd like to know what little things I'd have to do to make it a revision c or something. Does someone have some schematics, or did someone have to very carefully analyze the internals of all the revisions?

And I guess the transistor myth has been proven false.
Someone around here I think knows what you would have to do, it is something as simple as changing a few resisters.

As to the Transformer myth, well not a myth, they just go higher then we expected. They are however part of the Pre 500 myth, between the transformer and the circuit revisions they sound freaking great!

jtxdriggers said:
Thanks guys. Even though I don't plan to mod my amp internally, I'd like to know what little things I'd have to do to make it a revision c or something. Does someone have some schematics, or did someone have to very carefully analyze the internals of all the revisions?

And I guess the transistor myth has been proven false.
jtxdriggers said:
Thanks guys. Even though I don't plan to mod my amp internally, I'd like to know what little things I'd have to do to make it a revision c or something. Does someone have some schematics, or did someone have to very carefully analyze the internals of all the revisions?

And I guess the transistor myth has been proven false.

those schematics are not available. Nobody besides the folks at Mesa know that stuff, and I doubt they are willing to share it...Ed has/had might have them in his pile of papers. But knowing Mesa, they are probably incorrectly drawn to deter people making clones.
I forgot to mention that it was apparent that at least 2 tubes were shattered by a previous owner, as I found shards of glass and plastic stems from them inside the chassis. Hah

But I have one more question: if the older versions sounded better, why were the revisions made? I mean, what was wrong with the pre500s?
The clean channel on the amp leaves a lot to be desired. The later revision/3 channel DR's had a better clean channel and are more versitile. But that being said, my Pre500 is still my favorite amp.
Well if that's the case, then the cleans on my amp are better than yours, but not by much. Haha. But who needs cleans with that much power? Just get another head with better cleans and a line a/b switcher instead of a channel footswitch ;)

Are there any other "problems" with the pre500s?
jtxdriggers said:
Well if that's the case, then the cleans on my amp are better than yours, but not by much. Haha. But who needs cleans with that much power? Just get another head with better cleans and a line a/b switcher instead of a channel footswitch ;)

Are there any other "problems" with the pre500s?

yes, they melt your face off just before punching you in the chest.
Looks like my pre1000 has pre500 trannys too.


Serial: R-0929
Model: Dual Recto head
Revision: RF-1F
PT: 561136/EIA606-237
OT: 562100/EIA606-033
Choke: 550381/EI606-237
Loop: Serial
Dates: 10/27/92
Wired by: Kaydee
Other: Chrome chassis, Black diamondplate
To my knowledge (after looking at the schematics thoroughly and talking extensively with the techs at Mesa), the ONLY changes that ever happened with the 2 channel Dual and Triple recs were an change in the LDR's and the effects loop mix potentiometer addition (the mix pot didn't seem to make it into even the most recent schematic). The change wasn't in the circuit, rather in the LDR type.

If any of you don't know about LDR's, they don't affect 'tone'. They accomplish the same thing as a relay (switch) in a different manner. I'm not trying to burst bubbles, rather throwing in my 2 cents. ps. I love my 2 channel rec more than any amp ever :)