My Mk III......Simulclass or 60/100???

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2006
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I am a bit confused abut my MkIII long head that I bought a couple of weeks ago. It has a "Simulclass Power" sticker above the power cord on the back of the chassis, but has the "fullpower-1/2 power" switch on the front. It is has 4 6L6's in the power section (STR-430's in the outer sockets & STR-454's in the inner sockets) I called Mesa and asked about it & they said more than likely it is simulclass. But I read an earlier post concerning the same topic & they said that the output transformer #'s have to be either "SC152019B" or "562300" for it to be a simulcalss amp. My output transformer number has "105-162318" with "EIA 606 434" stamped below it. So, needless to say, I am confused! If it is a simulclass I'd like to know for sure, for I'm just dying to put a pair of EL-34's in the outer sockets and hear how it sounds! Help! I'd also like to know what the difference between the STR-430's & the STR-454 tubes as well. Thanks!
Boogiebabies said:
The 162318 is the Export power transformer. ( RARE !!!!)

The OT is on the right, looking from the back.
It should be SC152019B or 562300. :D

So, what makes the "export" power transformer so special? Is it a "desireable" rarity? Does that enhance the value or collectability of it?

Thanks for clarifing where the OT is, I'll check it here in the next couple of days. (It's at my friend's studio, so I don't have instant access to it at the moment) :(