MarkIII Simul Green: thinking of selling?? Help...

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2007
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I hate doing this! I really like this amp, have waxed-on poetic about it here ...I really like this amp! But I just don't play it nearly as often as my DC5 (what I think is the ultimate SwissArmy of amps, IMHO). In fact, my MkIII has become the "I'll plug her in because I haven't played her in a while" guilt, and that's at home as I take the DC5 for playing out. Sure I love the III's tone, but as far as luxury of having another amp "just for the fun of it..."

Here's my dilemma: I am finding myself playing acoustic more often and have it in my head to upgrade my current acoustic ...looking to drop maybe 1.2-1.5K on a nice, used acoustic. Alas, I need to find something to help fund the purchase. While I have an ok acoustic, I'd like something more potent. None of my electrics are going, no way. The Fender PRII is staying ...great, small grab-n-go. And fugghetabout touching the DC5!! So I am looking wistfully at my III head in the corner...!

So if you all can, what do you think. As I alredy have two nice amps that "float my boat" it seems that the "nicer" acoustic would have more "utilitiy" than the MKIII that is purely a "fun to have" piece of gear (...I hate these decisions).

Any thoughts you may have to talk me off the ledge (or push me forward ;) ) are welcome. And if I go with selling, anyone here possibly interested? (I really would like to avoid the bay or CL as someone "in the family" is so much better). She is a Simul III head, Green Stripe, in a new MkIV head cab (better than a III cabinet IMHO), GEQ, R2 vol mod, no verb, and "gone through" by MB Hollywood. Even bought an old-style 112 open cab that's EVM loaded to match her ...might let go both together or separate, depending (no, the Thiele stays so don't ask ;) ). Your thoughts, anyone? I hate choices like this...
Thanks, guys!

Mark IIIs are easy enough to come by that I don't think it's much of a risk to sell it. If it were me, I'd probably hold onto it, but if you need an acoustic, you need an acoustic. It's not like it's a IIC+ or something; there are more Mark IIIs on the used market than you can shake a stick at (which of course could work against you).
I agree, if you decide you want another you should be able to find one fairly easily
(Although besides not having the reverb yours sounds like it's all set as far as options go).
If the DC-5 is working for you that's great, those are killer amps too.
I absolutely love my red stripe mark III but if the Mark V can give me
what my III does , but more? well then it's bye bye III hello V.
Otherwise my III stays as It'w the same as your (Loaded with the R2 mod , but no Reverb)
but Red insead of Green,and it slays for my playing style. :D